Contrary to what I said, I went brisk-walking at the Hutan Bandar and not Istana Garden.
Sudden change of plan. That's me. When I was driving, I thought of the Hutan Bandar track. Berbukit.. luas.. all the better for me. Istana Garden, though airy and beautiful, the track is easier.... I am looking for challenging track.
I completed three rounds. Bestnya lah hai.. what's with the river, the lake... up the hill ada playground and ada things yang macam FBI training tu.. yang ada cobweb tu... tapi orang ramai.. kalau tak ada orang harus aku dah panjat dah hehehehe... fitness konon.. FBI konon..
mula-mula nak tambah lagi sampai five rounds but decided not to overdo it.. lagipun kena pergi ambil baju di dry-cleaners..
on the way back... singgah mamak to buy some kitty food... ala yang small packages... I was in my jogging attire lah.. so ada a few guys outside kedai.. masa masuk tu dia dah jeling jeling tapi aku nampak! biasa la mata macam jackpot hehehe...
bila i nak masuk kereta.. one of them said.. lepas jogging beli coklat pulak.. (eleh taktik lama nak strike conversation)
Coolly, I angkat the plastik and showed him, "Mana ada, makanan kucinglah". Then I smiled and got into the car and drove away. He said something but I konon tak dengar dan tak perasan, sebenarnya aku malas nak layan.
Huh, suka hati la kalau nak makan chocolate pun.. but in any case padan muka dia malu sendiri.. miahahahahaha... lain kali jangan suka hati buat assumption.
Monday, April 30, 2007
'Tis The Season To Be Sexy....
I found these cool links at my friend's blog... she chose a different questions from mine.. well.. 'tis a season to be sexy!!
What Song Should You Strip To?
What Kind of Seducer Are You? Note : Dreamlover, no doubt! tehahaha...
You Are Sophisticated Sexy |
You're a classy woman, and you carry yourself with grace. Most men are in awe of you, and even a bit intimidated by you. You always make sure you're looking great, from head to toe. And your charm and wit gets you on the good side of everyone you meet. |
You Are 91% Sexy |
Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts! Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it. You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride. |
Your Stripper Song Is |
"I'm a slave for you. I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.I'm a slave for you. I won't deny it; I'm not trying to hide it." You may seem shy, but you can let your wild side out when you want to! |
Note : I would only strip for a certain someone.
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover |
You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you! Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter. You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you. You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover. Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives. Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours. No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover. |
DISCLAIMER : Do Not Believe Everything You Read ......
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Janji Puas Hati
You know, they say JB has a very high cost of living....
I know not whether to feel proud or upset or confused...
See one item may have three different prices in the same geographical area...
Just now I was buying a bottle of antiseptic (250 ml) which costs RM 9.40.
Later when I went to another shop.. ada yang harganya RM 9.80 and ada yang RM 10.50.
Semua kedai ini berdekatan tau. DuhhhHHHH.
Yang jadi mangsa situation like this memang orang macam I. I akan beli di mana I jumpa dulu because I can't stand waiting.
Same goes with my airline prefence. I have no preferences. Mana jalan dulu, itu la aku naik. Tak kisah low cost carrier ke, MAS ke... economy vacant ke business vacant ke.. kalau MAS kargo tu boleh naik.. MAS Kargo tu lah aku naik kalau departure time dia paling awal... (this is in the case of travelling last minute lah) that's how IMPATIENT I am...
so samalah.. mana kedai yang I jumpa barang tu dulu.. situlah I akan beli.. so kalau kena yang cekik darah... matilah saya huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
tapi janji puas hati hehehehehe...
I know not whether to feel proud or upset or confused...
See one item may have three different prices in the same geographical area...
Just now I was buying a bottle of antiseptic (250 ml) which costs RM 9.40.
Later when I went to another shop.. ada yang harganya RM 9.80 and ada yang RM 10.50.
Semua kedai ini berdekatan tau. DuhhhHHHH.
Yang jadi mangsa situation like this memang orang macam I. I akan beli di mana I jumpa dulu because I can't stand waiting.
Same goes with my airline prefence. I have no preferences. Mana jalan dulu, itu la aku naik. Tak kisah low cost carrier ke, MAS ke... economy vacant ke business vacant ke.. kalau MAS kargo tu boleh naik.. MAS Kargo tu lah aku naik kalau departure time dia paling awal... (this is in the case of travelling last minute lah) that's how IMPATIENT I am...
so samalah.. mana kedai yang I jumpa barang tu dulu.. situlah I akan beli.. so kalau kena yang cekik darah... matilah saya huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
tapi janji puas hati hehehehehe...
Friday, April 27, 2007
Dendam Kesumat
Ini bukan cerita duka. *smile*
Semalam saya nampak Dendam Kesumat sedang drive nak ke masjid untuk solat Maghrib. Yang tak tahan tu dia pakai songkok berwarna putih... nampak pelik. Bukan kupiah.
Kenapa panggil Dendam Kesumat? Bulan dua haritu ketika saya dan SIL dalam perjalanan pulang dari Giant, di simpang naik bukit serene itu kami terserempak dengan kereta dia. (Dia memang terkenal dengan kesegakannya dan ke'reptilia'annya. Dan drive kereta pun laju. Kira memang ada unsur-unsur yang saya minati. Namun, yang menyebabkan dia disqualified adalah kerana walaupun kacak, dia seusia dengan ayah saya. Dan.. datinnya kusmangat garang.. tapi tidaklah menghairankan... tetapi datinnya baik dengan saya. Mereka tinggal sejalan dengan saya.)
Jadi, ketika kami sama-sama mendaki bukit, saya perhatikan dia memandu terlalu perlahan.. mungkin sayangkan kereta dan perlahan-lahan untuk melalui safety bump yang banyak terdapat di jalan tersebut. Dan diri saya yang memang tidak sabar ini sudah makan jalan untuk memotong kereta dia. Sangatlah merbahaya kerana di bukit itu memang banyak selekoh tajam.
Demi ternampak kereta saya hendak memotong, dia terus melajukan keretanya. Melawan! Dan kejar-mengejar berlaku. Sehinggalah tiba di pintu pagar belakang istana, saya memperlahankan kereta kerana tidak mahu dia sedar bahawa kami ini jirannya juga (on the assumption dia tak nampat plat kereta lah kan).
Dan dia yang amat peka itu telah turut memperlahankan keretanya. Memang sah, tau perempuan yang drive, tunjuk lagak. Kemudian saya pun lajukan kereta dan nekad ikut dia dengan jarak dekat sampai ke jalan di mana kami tinggal. Dapatlah dilihat bahawasanya ketika dia nak belok ke perkarangan rumahnya dia telah menelek rearview mirror hehehehe... sebab saya naik 4wd, nampak lah apa dia buat...
Saya pun pecut laju terus balik rumah.. memang sah dia nampak punya... rumah sangat dekat.. nasiblah! Apa sekalipun saya masih tidak puas hati kerana tidak berjaya memotong. Dan saya berkata kepada SIL.. "Dendam belum terbalas ni, takpe, esok-esok boleh bayar"
lalu kata SIL "Dendam? Kesumat ke tak?"
"Kesumat, kesumat! Dendam Kesumat". Dan di sinilah saya menamakannya Dendam Kesumat.
Tunggu sajalah wahai Dendam Kesumat... sehari dua ni siaplah...
Semalam saya nampak Dendam Kesumat sedang drive nak ke masjid untuk solat Maghrib. Yang tak tahan tu dia pakai songkok berwarna putih... nampak pelik. Bukan kupiah.
Kenapa panggil Dendam Kesumat? Bulan dua haritu ketika saya dan SIL dalam perjalanan pulang dari Giant, di simpang naik bukit serene itu kami terserempak dengan kereta dia. (Dia memang terkenal dengan kesegakannya dan ke'reptilia'annya. Dan drive kereta pun laju. Kira memang ada unsur-unsur yang saya minati. Namun, yang menyebabkan dia disqualified adalah kerana walaupun kacak, dia seusia dengan ayah saya. Dan.. datinnya kusmangat garang.. tapi tidaklah menghairankan... tetapi datinnya baik dengan saya. Mereka tinggal sejalan dengan saya.)
Jadi, ketika kami sama-sama mendaki bukit, saya perhatikan dia memandu terlalu perlahan.. mungkin sayangkan kereta dan perlahan-lahan untuk melalui safety bump yang banyak terdapat di jalan tersebut. Dan diri saya yang memang tidak sabar ini sudah makan jalan untuk memotong kereta dia. Sangatlah merbahaya kerana di bukit itu memang banyak selekoh tajam.
Demi ternampak kereta saya hendak memotong, dia terus melajukan keretanya. Melawan! Dan kejar-mengejar berlaku. Sehinggalah tiba di pintu pagar belakang istana, saya memperlahankan kereta kerana tidak mahu dia sedar bahawa kami ini jirannya juga (on the assumption dia tak nampat plat kereta lah kan).
Dan dia yang amat peka itu telah turut memperlahankan keretanya. Memang sah, tau perempuan yang drive, tunjuk lagak. Kemudian saya pun lajukan kereta dan nekad ikut dia dengan jarak dekat sampai ke jalan di mana kami tinggal. Dapatlah dilihat bahawasanya ketika dia nak belok ke perkarangan rumahnya dia telah menelek rearview mirror hehehehe... sebab saya naik 4wd, nampak lah apa dia buat...
Saya pun pecut laju terus balik rumah.. memang sah dia nampak punya... rumah sangat dekat.. nasiblah! Apa sekalipun saya masih tidak puas hati kerana tidak berjaya memotong. Dan saya berkata kepada SIL.. "Dendam belum terbalas ni, takpe, esok-esok boleh bayar"
lalu kata SIL "Dendam? Kesumat ke tak?"
"Kesumat, kesumat! Dendam Kesumat". Dan di sinilah saya menamakannya Dendam Kesumat.
Tunggu sajalah wahai Dendam Kesumat... sehari dua ni siaplah...
When someone hurts you, there are many options available.
But for me, I choose to feel calm and composed. The problem does not lie with me. I am not the one who is causing hurt.
And I choose to do beautiful things. It is much better. Direct the energy into something useful and positive. The hurt will go away quickly.
When someone hurts you and you react by doing good things to others, this means the poison does not work on you. You are immuned. And you are not spreading the poison to anyone else.
I have done this before, and I can do this again. For A Jedi shall not know anger. Nor hatred. Nor love. (Love here means attachment and possession. But a Jedi is encouraged to love in general. ~ refer Attack Of The Clones)
I am not going to let my feelings of anger deceive me. Nor hatred. Because this will lead to the Darkside of The Force. A Jedi must be firm and persevere in his or her actions.
I have to be mindful of my thoughts and search my feelings.
Hence, Semoga Sejahtera. *smile*
But for me, I choose to feel calm and composed. The problem does not lie with me. I am not the one who is causing hurt.
And I choose to do beautiful things. It is much better. Direct the energy into something useful and positive. The hurt will go away quickly.
When someone hurts you and you react by doing good things to others, this means the poison does not work on you. You are immuned. And you are not spreading the poison to anyone else.
I have done this before, and I can do this again. For A Jedi shall not know anger. Nor hatred. Nor love. (Love here means attachment and possession. But a Jedi is encouraged to love in general. ~ refer Attack Of The Clones)
I am not going to let my feelings of anger deceive me. Nor hatred. Because this will lead to the Darkside of The Force. A Jedi must be firm and persevere in his or her actions.
I have to be mindful of my thoughts and search my feelings.
Hence, Semoga Sejahtera. *smile*
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I Am So Sorry
You may hurt me as many times as you can.
Your cut may be the deepest.
You can make any assumptions or predictions you like about me.
You may openly critise me.
But I am so sorry. If you want to see me walking with my face down, slouching, sulking, then you are about to get very disappointed.
Nothing you do could ever lessen my enthusiasm for life. Or my happiness.
Like any other human being, I do feel upset. Only that it is short-lived. I am so sorry.
And I know, as long as I put myself entirely in His care, I should fear nothing.
Your cut may be the deepest.
You can make any assumptions or predictions you like about me.
You may openly critise me.
But I am so sorry. If you want to see me walking with my face down, slouching, sulking, then you are about to get very disappointed.
Nothing you do could ever lessen my enthusiasm for life. Or my happiness.
Like any other human being, I do feel upset. Only that it is short-lived. I am so sorry.
And I know, as long as I put myself entirely in His care, I should fear nothing.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
You Don't Know Me If...
That very same friend rang me last night, the friend who asked me about my Jedi Knight. The one who asked me what do I like about him...
among the things she said was "ni puji-puji ni, if let's say dia tiba-tiba give you a call, would you still be nice and sweet?
I said, "Yes. Why not?"
And she said, " Sure ka. Satni kang ada pulak yang kena 'sekolah' dengan you, kan. Tiba-tiba ja muncul from seventh sky".
And I said, " Apa susahnya, orang call, angkat ajelah.. takde masanya nak marah-marah. No reason."
"Betui ka? Kau tu bukan boleh pecaya. Mood kau tu lain macam sikit"
"Alah ya lah... I cannot imagine kenapa nak marah-marah. Besides apasal kau susah-susah tanya ni.. kau pun dah syok kat dia ka?"
"Macam tu tak pa aih. Apa plak.. aku bukan apa.. ko tu kan puting beliung.. "
among the things she said was "ni puji-puji ni, if let's say dia tiba-tiba give you a call, would you still be nice and sweet?
I said, "Yes. Why not?"
And she said, " Sure ka. Satni kang ada pulak yang kena 'sekolah' dengan you, kan. Tiba-tiba ja muncul from seventh sky".
And I said, " Apa susahnya, orang call, angkat ajelah.. takde masanya nak marah-marah. No reason."
"Betui ka? Kau tu bukan boleh pecaya. Mood kau tu lain macam sikit"
"Alah ya lah... I cannot imagine kenapa nak marah-marah. Besides apasal kau susah-susah tanya ni.. kau pun dah syok kat dia ka?"
"Macam tu tak pa aih. Apa plak.. aku bukan apa.. ko tu kan puting beliung.. "
You see, people always think I am the type of person yang sangat garang and tak boleh salah sikit. Well, in that case you do not know me at all. I am not the kind of person yang simply nak marah orang sahaja. Habis-habis kalau I tak suka I avoid and stay away quietly (which is jarang pun). Unless if I have done that and people push me too far, itu lain ceritanya.
Besides, I do not believe in holding grudges. I don't see why I should poison myself with it. If people hurt me, I just put them aside. End of story.
And in the case of My Jedi Knight, I pun tak boleh imagine kenapa I nak marah or berdendam dengannya. No reason at all.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What Do I Like About Thee?
What do I like about my Jedi Knight?
This question was thrown to me by my friend not so very long ago.
Let's see..not easy to answer this, you see...
for one, he has a very strong and powerful character.. quite dominant but a comfortable dominant that is..
and he does have a kind heart beneath that tough exterior ... pandangan matanya reflects a pure and beautiful inner self (to a certain extent, of course)
and excellent manners....very gentlemanly.. very, very elegant..
very smart, very intelligent, very brilliant..
also... garang, sometimes arrogant.. and.. has quite a temper (which, I used to think as cute)
the fact that someone who can be so garang can be so gentle and talk so nice... (even more cuter)
yeah but there's something else... uhuh, THAT ONE I DON'T LIKE.. really don't like...
Sekian, Terima Kasih.
Note : Why do I suddenly write this? Sebab macam dah lama tak tulis tentang subject matter.. dah lama sangat terkeluar tajuk hehehe..
This question was thrown to me by my friend not so very long ago.
Let's see..not easy to answer this, you see...
for one, he has a very strong and powerful character.. quite dominant but a comfortable dominant that is..
and he does have a kind heart beneath that tough exterior ... pandangan matanya reflects a pure and beautiful inner self (to a certain extent, of course)
and excellent manners....very gentlemanly.. very, very elegant..
very smart, very intelligent, very brilliant..
also... garang, sometimes arrogant.. and.. has quite a temper (which, I used to think as cute)
the fact that someone who can be so garang can be so gentle and talk so nice... (even more cuter)
yeah but there's something else... uhuh, THAT ONE I DON'T LIKE.. really don't like...
Sekian, Terima Kasih.
Note : Why do I suddenly write this? Sebab macam dah lama tak tulis tentang subject matter.. dah lama sangat terkeluar tajuk hehehe..
I went for a haircut today. Actually, just trimming the old one. Layered, of course.
Bukan apa, since the weather pun tak menentu, rasa rimaslah pula. Besides, I am beginning to feel like Munfasa in Lion King... heheheh or Siamang.. RIMAS, RIMAS, RIMAS!
Had meetball bolognaise spaghetti in Pizza Hut today. Nasib baikkk tak ramai orang. I guess semua berebut nak ke Festive Street Mall for the Thai Carnival. At first ingat nak ke Festive juga, to get the haircut.. tapi masa buat U-turn dekat Bukit Serene tu, tengok manusia kusmangat... dengan kereta parked tak menentu... hehehe Cancel dengan jayanya...
lepas makan pergi beli Double Cheese for Lin.. dia la call kata tak jadi keluar dengan Ila.. Faiz sms-ed suruh pick him up at 10pm kat City Square... kemudian Lin kata dia nak pergi ambil pula.. Faiz keluar awal..
sempat lagi pergi Larkin Perdana, nak cari Cheese... lama tak nampak.. last week ada pergi pun tak jumpa.. mungkin dia tak keluar kot hujan hujan begini.. ada la tu berlindung di mana mana.. I hope Cheese is safe...
parents, anis and folks semua gi KL tengok Atok admitted. Yang tinggal aku, lin, faiz. Mas kat campus. Maka bermaharajalelalah kami hehehehe... tapi tak gi mana pun... berkampung depan TV kat bawah je.. ingat nak tidur situ ramai-ramai pun dah pukul berapa ni... actually tadi aku tertidur kejap, bangun dah almost 3 a.m. ... si Lin sorang je yang jaga..
esok sunday tak tau nak buat apa lagi.. ingat nak stay in, kemas-kemas aje...tengoklah kalau rajin nak cook something dengan Lin... maybe Ayam Ubut Raden Galuh, my Charming Sister's palace recipe....
Bukan apa, since the weather pun tak menentu, rasa rimaslah pula. Besides, I am beginning to feel like Munfasa in Lion King... heheheh or Siamang.. RIMAS, RIMAS, RIMAS!
Had meetball bolognaise spaghetti in Pizza Hut today. Nasib baikkk tak ramai orang. I guess semua berebut nak ke Festive Street Mall for the Thai Carnival. At first ingat nak ke Festive juga, to get the haircut.. tapi masa buat U-turn dekat Bukit Serene tu, tengok manusia kusmangat... dengan kereta parked tak menentu... hehehe Cancel dengan jayanya...
lepas makan pergi beli Double Cheese for Lin.. dia la call kata tak jadi keluar dengan Ila.. Faiz sms-ed suruh pick him up at 10pm kat City Square... kemudian Lin kata dia nak pergi ambil pula.. Faiz keluar awal..
sempat lagi pergi Larkin Perdana, nak cari Cheese... lama tak nampak.. last week ada pergi pun tak jumpa.. mungkin dia tak keluar kot hujan hujan begini.. ada la tu berlindung di mana mana.. I hope Cheese is safe...
parents, anis and folks semua gi KL tengok Atok admitted. Yang tinggal aku, lin, faiz. Mas kat campus. Maka bermaharajalelalah kami hehehehe... tapi tak gi mana pun... berkampung depan TV kat bawah je.. ingat nak tidur situ ramai-ramai pun dah pukul berapa ni... actually tadi aku tertidur kejap, bangun dah almost 3 a.m. ... si Lin sorang je yang jaga..
esok sunday tak tau nak buat apa lagi.. ingat nak stay in, kemas-kemas aje...tengoklah kalau rajin nak cook something dengan Lin... maybe Ayam Ubut Raden Galuh, my Charming Sister's palace recipe....
Friday, April 20, 2007
When You Miss Someone...
Further to my previous post, Negative Energy, I would like to add something.
Whenever you miss someone, it is good to recite 'Surah Al-Fatihah" as a gift for that person.
Now, isn't this the most beautiful thing you can do for your loved ones?
Whenever you miss someone, it is good to recite 'Surah Al-Fatihah" as a gift for that person.
Now, isn't this the most beautiful thing you can do for your loved ones?
Everyone deserves a chance...
Reading the news of the Virginia Tech massacre, I couldn't help but felt sorry for the 'gunman' Cho Seung Hoi.
What he did was totally unacceptable, inhuman and sickening in every sense.
But clearly, he is a victim of rejection, of ignorance. That was what's driven him to snap.
This is an excerpt quoted from The Salt Lake Tribune:
You could read all about it at :
What he did was totally unacceptable, inhuman and sickening in every sense.
But clearly, he is a victim of rejection, of ignorance. That was what's driven him to snap.
This is an excerpt quoted from The Salt Lake Tribune:
BLACKSBURG, Va. - Long before he snapped, Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui was picked on, pushed around and laughed at over his shyness and the strange way he talked when he was a schoolboy in the Washington suburbs, former classmates say. Chris Davids, a Virginia Tech senior who graduated from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., with Cho in 2003, recalled that the South Korean immigrant almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to strike up a conversation. Once, in English class, the teacher had the students read aloud, and when it was Cho's turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled. Finally, after the teacher threatened him with an F for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded ''like he had something in his mouth," Davids said. ''As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, 'Go back to China,"' Davids said.
You could read all about it at :
Don't you think that's really mean? Don't you feel that had Cho been given more opportunities to open up, to feel that he is indeed a part of a group, not someone so alien, this Virginia Tech incident could have been prevented?
On countless occassions I have witnessed situations like this. People simply pick on someone whom they think is weird, or poor, or stupid, or ugly.
This, is one of the reasons that I stay away from belonging to any groups. This way, I am free to talk to whomever I wish. I am not someone who would pick on people simply because the majority says he is weird, or ugly, or poor, or stupid.
I really like this particular comment :
guitarboy: 4/19/2007 11:50:00 AM
Guns don't kill people. People kill people (except in uncommon cases). Some people in Cho's position have committed suicide, but without hurting anybody else. Cho's terrible, horrifying and unjustifiable decision to take other people out with him have complicated this terrible disaster. He cannot be escused from that decision.
Having said that, the effects of teasing are undeniable. We can say "yeah but he might have had clinical depression, that's the reason," but that must not be the reason. Plenty of people with clinical depression do not gun people down. I'm pointing to the teasing factor. The fruits that we have reaped as a society by teasing, belittling and tormenting this quiet foreigner, are not the first time the fruits of suicide as a response to teasing have occurred. This time, the results were even worse. Why do we tease? Have any of you teased people when you were young? I have. I regret it. I confess it. I point to it as part of our society's problem. I never teased anybody relentlessly, day after day after day. But I still contributed to the culture of teasing in this country, when I was in school. How many of us are guilty? Let us point that portion of the blame at ourselves, those of us who are guilty of teasing.
Teasing in school yards constitutes intentional inflinction of emotional distress, and in some cases, a reasonable apprehension of a harmful or offensive touching. Both are violations of tort law (and one is a crime), which are prosecuted when commited by adults. But...we don't prosecute it when it is commited by children...we just have teachers or parents who sometimes ask the children to stop teasing, sometimes keep them in from recess. But...the teasing, the bullying the bigotry does not stop. The harm that is caused when done to children is usually much more damaging (because the recipient is in a formative stage) than when the similar wrong is commited by an adult against an adult and for which the problem adult can get sued or prosecuted. Interesting that greater damage can occur in the school environment, student against student, that we cannot prosecute and have failed to solve or resolve.
Our society continues to produce every year a new class of people who bully, tease and demean. It is a learned behavior in many cases, other times it is the result of an early independent behavior that goes uncorrected. In either case...
...teasing is clearly not the only factor here. But it appears to have been a major, primary one. It is possible that the teasing our society committed is a key causal connection in this murderous rampage, along with other causal connections.
This is a terrible murder, a terrible crime. I wish we would not tease, delittle and demean people relentlessly. If we would stop, as a society, less people who snap into suicide and, in worse cases, murder. It would not fix everything. It would be a good start.
Everybody deserves to have a chance, do you agree? To live, to speak, to be heard, to participate.
To say it in Malay, "Berilah dia peluang.. dia pun nak hidup juga".
Is that too much to ask for?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Relationship - Insecurity and Jealousy
Are you suffering from these?
I am sure everybody is, but in different ways. But how you deal with it determines what is going to happen to you in later days.
It is really up to you. Because, we cannot change others. But we can control and improve ourselves.
At its worst, a wife may be cheated or even abandoned by her husband, a couple might end their relationship, a woman may lose her sanity, and thousand other possibilities.
You see, by nature, you can't really control another human being. Manusia ini bukankah ada perasaan. Sometimes, zahirnya sahaja dia patuh dan menurut kata, but deep down, Allah sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui.
It's really amazing how much energy a woman has when she is feeling insecure and jealous.
I am sure everybody is, but in different ways. But how you deal with it determines what is going to happen to you in later days.
It is really up to you. Because, we cannot change others. But we can control and improve ourselves.
At its worst, a wife may be cheated or even abandoned by her husband, a couple might end their relationship, a woman may lose her sanity, and thousand other possibilities.
You see, by nature, you can't really control another human being. Manusia ini bukankah ada perasaan. Sometimes, zahirnya sahaja dia patuh dan menurut kata, but deep down, Allah sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui.
It's really amazing how much energy a woman has when she is feeling insecure and jealous.
I have witnessed one. Really colorful. At first, the wife use some sort of 'spiritual' thing. You see, things like 'Pelindung' , 'Pendinding' , 'Penunduk'. Whenever a relative is coming over to KL, or going back to her kampung, bergelen-gelen 'air jampi' dipesannya. Not to mention sugar and salts yang dah 'berjampi' dan diletakkan dalam masakan. Despite all these, her husband has been having a mistress for eight years and she did not know a thing. She even bragged to relatives yang dia pandai jaga suami, suami mendengar cakap dia, and everything.
But I could easily see why. The only thing that puzzled me a little at that time was how on earth did the husband end up marrying her?
Now she is the kind of woman who is very boastful. Why she is like that is beyond me. She didn't really score well in the looks department, no charm, no qualification and nor is she a rich, spoiled girl. But yes, she is a nagging, pushy, whiny and very, very, very insecure person. Lepas tu dengan husband bukan main eksyen lagi.
When she found out about her husband's infidelity, the effect was tremendous. She was like meraung-raung sekuat hati, shouting at the top of her lungs - all the things that happened bila orang kena sampuk. And to make it more eventful, dia tinggal di rumah pangsa. So almost everybody in her block and the nearby ones boleh dengar. Cool, huh?
And she started doing stalkerly things. Whenever her husband's mobile rang, dia duduk sebelah husband dia untuk dengar. Kalau husbandnya bangun nak ke tempat lain, dia akan ikut. Also, dia check mobile husband dia on a daily basis. Call her husband a thousand times a day to prevent him from calling others. Even more interesting, husband stayed mostly in Nilai because he worked in KLIA and she stayed and worked in KL. So she has got the brain to go check the husband's rented house in Nilai. But what makes her even more smarter was the fact that she proudly announced to her husband "Bila-bila masa saja saya boleh pergi check rumah awak dekat Nilai tu". Bijaksana, kan?
She also called her husband's office, told the admin about her husband. She also badmouthed her husband to his siblings only to have their back turned on her. She threatened to kill her children. She even threatened suicide (which I silently prayed will come true, because it will save a lot of problems heheh).
Oh, she did not know exactly who the other woman was. But she has her own suspect. Of course, given her level of thinking, she has got the wrong suspect. But that is not the point. The point is, she did everything ugly to that person whom she suspected was having an affair with her husband. She called her parents, called her office, tried to attack her - all sorts of things. But the so-called suspect never ever responded to her, not even a single sms, making her depressed twice.
So, ladies, ask yourselves. Are you suffering from extreme insecurity and jealousy? If the answer is yes, clearly you need help. You seriously need professional help, believe me.
Here are some waves of advice:
Firstly, learn to accept that tiada yang kekal di dunia ini kecuali Allah. And be sincere about it. Insya Allah if you can accept this, memang tidak terlintas nak buat perkara-perkara yang 'menakutkan' like the ones I've mentioned above.
Secondly, brace yourself. Search your feelings. Improve yourself. Kalau ada yang perlu diperbaiki, do it instantly. This will make you feel good and confident. Rather than blaming others or finding absurd solution, why not opt for self-development? It pays in every single way.
Thirdly, something beautiful grows slowly by itself. Tak perlu dipaksa-paksa. Dan tak perlulah nak campurkan dengan unsur lain, contohnya menggunakan pendinding, pelindung, penunduk or pemanis. Tak perlu waste time guna khidmat bomoh. You see, they clearly use syaitan dan jin. Sedangkan in Al Quran it is clearly stated, jin dan syaitan itu sifatnya lebih menjurus kepada yang tidak baik. And, not only it's not going to work, it is totally forbidden by the religion. Berdosa. Rule out the possibility at once. CINTA DAN RESTU TAK BOLEH DIPAKSA, remember?
Fourthly, learn to control yourself. Tak perlu nak buat andaian dan sangkaan yang bukan-bukan. You will end up hurting yourself. You may even lose your sanity. Get a life (if you don't have one hehe). Disract yourself, find something you like best and focus on it. Better still, if there are opportunities coming your way, if they are fine with you, grab it (this one is dedicated to my fellow players *ahaks*).
Lastly, the most important, serahkan kepada Allah dan sentiasa berdoa kepadaNya. Cukuplah Allah sebagai pelindung. Semoga diri sentiasa dalam perlindungan Allah, no matter what. Insya Allah selamat bukan sahaja di dunia, but also di akhirat.
Note : Later I found out as to bagaimana the two of them got married in the first place. At first, the husband actually terpikat kepada the wife's cousin. But the mother of the wife, dengan segala 'kemurnian dan kesucian' hati, telah memotong jalan dan men'divert'kan attention kepada anaknya. At that time, anaknya itu was having an affair with someone's husband. Nak selamatkan keadaan, anak dia yang dikahwinkan, bukan anak saudaranya. And the husband entered the marriage innocently, without any knowledge yang dia tu dah jadi bidan terjun. So, it's a case of potong jalan and hiding facts. But as it is, what goes around, comes around in the end.
Moral : Nak kahwin ni tak perlu tipu-tipu, potong jalan, play dirty, guna khidmat bomoh atau pawang. Sebab, nanti makan diri sendiri. Sendiri yang malu. Besides, teruk betul bunyinya. How pathetic and incapable are you as a woman? Tiada daya penarik, like that. *Ahaks x 1000*
Monday, April 16, 2007
Pantun Empat Kerat
Apa Diharap Si Jagung Kerbang
Entahkan Berbuah Entahkan Tidak
Apa Diharap Burung Yang Terbang
Entahkan Singgah Entahkan Tidak
Note : I really love this particular pantun. I dedicate it to whom it may concern. *wink*
Entahkan Berbuah Entahkan Tidak
Apa Diharap Burung Yang Terbang
Entahkan Singgah Entahkan Tidak
Note : I really love this particular pantun. I dedicate it to whom it may concern. *wink*
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to God who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right.
Cato the Elder Roman orator & politician (234 BC - 149 BC)
Cato the Elder Roman orator & politician (234 BC - 149 BC)
I first found this quote in my Charming sister and friend's blog. From that day, I have been hanging on to this quote. I was labelled stupid, coward and many things when I am silent in many situations. Sometimes I feel it is wise for me to be quiet, when explaining and arguing is not worth the effort.
I love this one. It is very powerful. Silence does not necessarily mean defeated.
A man needs no arguments to make him discern and approve what is beautiful: it strikes at first sight, and attracts without a reason. And as this beauty is found in the shape and form of corporeal things, so also is there analogous to it a beauty of another kind, an order, a symmetry, and comeliness in the moral world. And as the eye perceiveth the one, so the mind doth by a certain interior sense perceive the other, which sense, talent, or faculty, is ever quickest and purest in the noblest minds.
~ George Berkeley
~ George Berkeley
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Negative Energy
Rindu adalah keindahan.
Rindu itu lumrah.
Penantian itu suatu penyiksaan dan merindu itu adalah penyiksaan nan indah.
I found these phrases in some of the malay novels I've been reading.
In a Malay version of "Laa Tahzan", a book written in Arabic, I can hereby conclude:
Termasuk kebahagiaan seorang muslim adalah jauh dari ratapan dan ungkapan kerinduan, kerana ini adalah antara penyebab kegelisahan hati.
So you see, missing someone can be a negative energy to you. I believe it is okay to miss someone - lover, friend, sibling, parent - but do not overdo it. It will lose its sweetness and may lead to pain and sufferings.
Remember, Love is gentle and kind.
Rindu itu lumrah.
Penantian itu suatu penyiksaan dan merindu itu adalah penyiksaan nan indah.
I found these phrases in some of the malay novels I've been reading.
In a Malay version of "Laa Tahzan", a book written in Arabic, I can hereby conclude:
Termasuk kebahagiaan seorang muslim adalah jauh dari ratapan dan ungkapan kerinduan, kerana ini adalah antara penyebab kegelisahan hati.
So you see, missing someone can be a negative energy to you. I believe it is okay to miss someone - lover, friend, sibling, parent - but do not overdo it. It will lose its sweetness and may lead to pain and sufferings.
Remember, Love is gentle and kind.
Friday, April 13, 2007
My Adorable Jedi Youngling

This young lady is very, very, very close to me... she will copy whatever it is I am doing.. and very, very, very nakal this one... At one year old, her capabilities are way, way ahead.
Earlier today she munched a piece of tissue paper. I realised that a little too late.. I saw her happily and steadily chewing something while her eyes are glued to the tv. I didn't give her anything. So when I tried to take it out of her mouth...wahliaw..kena gigit kuat macam nak putus jari... gigi kapak dia kuat betul and gigi bawah sangat tajam... altogether 5 teeth.. kucing yang ada taring pun gigit tak sakit macam ni... the other day she bit my nose when I was sleeping. Hantu betul.
And she always try to 'rampas' my book whenever I am reading..and my mobile.. so dengkiiiiiiiii.. tsk tsk tsk.
And these few days she's not feeling well... with the cough and runny nose..but still have the energy to play as usual.. one would seriously doubt her if one sees her... it's like "betul ke budak ni sakit ni". Really, kalau I, memang dah tak bangun dah.. ini dia boleh panjat sana sini.. crawling here and there.. kita yang melihat yang penat...
Anis, Anis.. so active and nakal...and yes, SO heavy...
Why this sudden emptiness?
Why, I never had the opportunity to get to know them... my neighbour, the one staying accross the road.. mostly because I was away all the time... and because they do not have any children of my age.. and because.. yeah well I am the 'reserve' type or shy - call it what you like... What little I know about them are based on infos from my family members.. diaorang yang stay kat sini all the time since we moved here in 1999.
His wife was some district engineer... hence the big qovernment quarters... i don't know they have 3 - 4 children. Apparently they are quite berumur.. maybe in their forties... but anak-anak masih kecil.. tak ada yang dah secondary school pun... hey they are cute..
and they love cats, the children.. more than once i bimbang they will accuse me of being lokek sangat nak bagi anak dia tengok my kucing. Yeah, they like to berdiri ramai-ramai di tepi tebing rumah facing my house and shout and wave at my cats. but... when the time comes for people to come home from work, I usually took my cats to the side of the house - purely for safety purposes, I never take any risk after the departure of Berry.
So kadang-kadang tu, while the kids were so excited to see my cats, I feel bad sangat sebab kena pindahkan mereka.. for fear mereka akan kena langgar dengan orang-orang yang balik dari kerja.
Oh, I do not mind at all.. adalah kalanya kalau mereka melambai-lambai I smiled.. tak tau nampak ke tak... tapi tak adalah aku nak melambai balik...
WHY? Tak, bukan sombong! Because yang jaga diaorang tu ayah diaorang. Yes, he is not really working... at least that's what my dad said (in his sermon on the importance of marriage, on how I should not be too choosy because apparently ada juga orang yang husbandnya less educated than the wife but still happy and then quoted the NEAREST example). He has some small business, but he is at home all the time. I think he is a house-husband or stay-home-husband. He is educated, cuma tak bekerja.
Itu tak kisahlah kan... but.. itulah yang buat i serba salah kalau terserempak ngan diaorang di luar rumah. Anak dia punya la melambai.. pastu dia senyum.. kang aku lambai orang kata aku melayan laki orang.. tak lambai GERENTI diaorang terasa... Ada la satu hari, I was driving Faiz to his tuition centre.. agaknya jiran i ngan anak-anak dia ni ingat rumah tu dah tak ada orang kot.. my parents pun tak ada.. anis and folks pun entah ke mana.. so bila i balik rumah semula.. I FOUND ALL OF THEM - the daddy and the children - menyangkung atas jalan tepi rumah aku.. apa kena agaknya.. tengok kucing ka.. ambik berkat ka.. and it was 12:45 pm! Panas berdenting, sanggup diaorang berjalan.. pastu semua pakai 'topi kebun'. The daddy nampak aku terus menyeringai tersengih.. aku rasa dia malu kot.. malu sebab agaknya dia ingat dah tak ada orang kat rumah so line clear la dia nak menyangkung tengok kucing ke apa ngan anak dia..
His wife was some district engineer... hence the big qovernment quarters... i don't know they have 3 - 4 children. Apparently they are quite berumur.. maybe in their forties... but anak-anak masih kecil.. tak ada yang dah secondary school pun... hey they are cute..
and they love cats, the children.. more than once i bimbang they will accuse me of being lokek sangat nak bagi anak dia tengok my kucing. Yeah, they like to berdiri ramai-ramai di tepi tebing rumah facing my house and shout and wave at my cats. but... when the time comes for people to come home from work, I usually took my cats to the side of the house - purely for safety purposes, I never take any risk after the departure of Berry.
So kadang-kadang tu, while the kids were so excited to see my cats, I feel bad sangat sebab kena pindahkan mereka.. for fear mereka akan kena langgar dengan orang-orang yang balik dari kerja.
Oh, I do not mind at all.. adalah kalanya kalau mereka melambai-lambai I smiled.. tak tau nampak ke tak... tapi tak adalah aku nak melambai balik...
WHY? Tak, bukan sombong! Because yang jaga diaorang tu ayah diaorang. Yes, he is not really working... at least that's what my dad said (in his sermon on the importance of marriage, on how I should not be too choosy because apparently ada juga orang yang husbandnya less educated than the wife but still happy and then quoted the NEAREST example). He has some small business, but he is at home all the time. I think he is a house-husband or stay-home-husband. He is educated, cuma tak bekerja.
Itu tak kisahlah kan... but.. itulah yang buat i serba salah kalau terserempak ngan diaorang di luar rumah. Anak dia punya la melambai.. pastu dia senyum.. kang aku lambai orang kata aku melayan laki orang.. tak lambai GERENTI diaorang terasa... Ada la satu hari, I was driving Faiz to his tuition centre.. agaknya jiran i ngan anak-anak dia ni ingat rumah tu dah tak ada orang kot.. my parents pun tak ada.. anis and folks pun entah ke mana.. so bila i balik rumah semula.. I FOUND ALL OF THEM - the daddy and the children - menyangkung atas jalan tepi rumah aku.. apa kena agaknya.. tengok kucing ka.. ambik berkat ka.. and it was 12:45 pm! Panas berdenting, sanggup diaorang berjalan.. pastu semua pakai 'topi kebun'. The daddy nampak aku terus menyeringai tersengih.. aku rasa dia malu kot.. malu sebab agaknya dia ingat dah tak ada orang kat rumah so line clear la dia nak menyangkung tengok kucing ke apa ngan anak dia..
But Ya Allah it was so panas terik... rajin betul dia melayan anak dia.. Pastu dia senyum-senyum.. i pun senyum, angguk kepala.. acknowledge la kan jiran.. yang anak dia pula, mak datuk... melambai lain menjerit lain nampak aku... so.. dah dekat depan mata.. and since aku pun dalam kereta nak tunggu the gate terbuka (gate tu pun lambat benar nak terbuka) .. so i pun waved to the children and smile...
Bayangkan aku dah drive masuk ke dalam kawasan rumah anak dia still babai lagi.. ish... then by the time i nak masuk rumah, I saw the daddy bawa anak-anak dia balik rumah hehehe..
Tapikan last saturday nampak diaorang dah angkat barang-barang.. curious gak.. diaorang ni refurnish rumah or nak pindah.. puas la i buat-buat tengok kucing, buang sampah and all nak usya kot la ada wife dia ke, atau dia sendiri nak tanya... tapi tak ada chance... this week, the car both ada tapi budak-budak dah tak nampak.. Mom said wife dia kena transfer ke district so diaorang dah pindah sikit-sikit.. alah 45 minutes away saja... but to commute daily the wife tak larat..
And malam semalam, as I was opening the front door to check on my cats.. tiba-tiba terpandang rumah diaorang.. sunyi aje.. kereta masih ada..tiba-tiba je rasa sedih.. sudden emptiness... it's like dah tak ada lagi budak-budak tu bising-bising petang-petang or malam.. sunyi saja.. and I rasa menyesal tak get to know them daripada dulu.. entahlah Mom said the wife ada juga datang our functions.. tak perasan la yang mana...but I have this feeling that she would be nice.. unlike those datin-datin tua yang mulut becok tu... (Datin Diaries kahkahkah)
if ever ada satu chance.. tak kisah lah ada farewell party ke, apa ke.. I would go and say hi to them... sedih la pulak diaorang nak pindah.. I don't know why.. I don't even know them... apasal entah...
tapikan aku tau la mana diaorang nak pindah.. rumah dia mana satu pun aku tau.. sebab we used to live there in the 90s.. anytime boleh tuju hehehehe..macam la aku rajin sangat nak pergi...
Do not dictate me. I am NOT your wife.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Night Vision
I AM SOOO GONNA GET THIS ONE! The BMW Night Vision 7 Series.
Watch this:
Whatever it is, I am sooo gonna get it!
Watch this:
Whatever it is, I am sooo gonna get it!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Selamat Hari Keputeraan Yang Ke-75 kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Al-Mutawakkil Alallah Sultan Iskandar Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail, Sultan dan Yang Dipertuan Bagi Negeri dan Jajahan Takluk Johor Darul Ta'zim.
Semoga Allah Lanjutkan Usia Tuanku Sultan dan Tuanku Sultanah.
Daulat Tuanku.
Semoga Allah Lanjutkan Usia Tuanku Sultan dan Tuanku Sultanah.
Daulat Tuanku.
Best Wishes, Ferrari
Saturday April 7, 2007 Malaysian F1 Grand Prix Qualifying Results:
1. Felipe Massa (Ferrari)
2. Fernando Alonso (McLaren-Mercedes)
3. Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari)
WELL DONE! My very best wishes to Ferrari!
1. Felipe Massa (Ferrari)
2. Fernando Alonso (McLaren-Mercedes)
3. Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari)
WELL DONE! My very best wishes to Ferrari!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Tarawih Memories
The year was 2001 (end of year kalau tak silap). Because of this, I hanya bertarawih di surau itu sekali sahaja for that Ramadhan.
Masa tu still in the university. I tinggal dengan my friends at a rented house. So, first few days memang my friends dah start bertarawih at the surau berhampiran taman perumahan yang kita semua tinggal itu. I lambat sedikit join, for natural reasons. Anyway it was this one night, kami pergi sama-sama. Normally kami siap-siap bertelekung dan berbaju kurung dari rumah, dan berwuduk, sampai-sampai hanya terus pakai kain sembahyang dan get ready.
Diaorang tu memang nakal sangat.. tak tahu kenapa ada sahaja yang menggelikan hati.. sikit-sikit nak ketawa, macam kena tickle dengan syaitan. Sudahlah jalan berbondong-bondong, nampak kitaorang semua macam Penguin pula kan bila dah bertelekung jalan dalam gelap.
One of my friends si Yat, somehow dia dapat masuk ke saf paling depan bagi kaum perempuan. You see the surau is not a big one, jadi partition antara jemaah lelaki dan perempuan hanya sehelai kain panjang yang direntangkan.. it serves the purpose lah , macam langsir.
Entah macam mana, dalam salah satu rakaat tu, Si Yat ni sembahyang kat baris paling depan sedang sujud. Suddenly kipas angin yang tergantung dan berputar laju, bertiup ke kain rentang pemisah antara jemaah lelaki dan perempuan, menyebabkan kain tu tertolak ke atas badan Yat. So that bila dia berdiri untuk rakaat seterusnya she found herself berada dalam barisan belakang jemaah lelaki! Tapi dia seorang sahaja, orang lain tak kena!
Yang best tu si Yat dia relax je... sembahyang sampai habis kemudian menyelit masuk ke jemaah perempuan semula. Yang geng-geng di belakang, yang mana sedar sudah tersengguk-sengguk nak ketawa. Yat balik rumah baru dia ketawa tak ingat dunia. Iman dia kuat dan boleh tahan...
Aku pulak tu lah sekali aku pergi.. at that time I was much younger.. tak tahan oi.. gelak.. dahsyat betul..iman tipis gamaknya.. tiap-tiap kali nak ikut diaorang aku akan ketawa... sudahnya tak jadi.. untuk keselamatan juga, takut kalau-kalau tergelak dan mengganggu solat orang lain..
Lepas tu diaorang tak eager sangat nak ke saf depan.. bukan kerana apa.. takut berulang lagi.
Masa tu still in the university. I tinggal dengan my friends at a rented house. So, first few days memang my friends dah start bertarawih at the surau berhampiran taman perumahan yang kita semua tinggal itu. I lambat sedikit join, for natural reasons. Anyway it was this one night, kami pergi sama-sama. Normally kami siap-siap bertelekung dan berbaju kurung dari rumah, dan berwuduk, sampai-sampai hanya terus pakai kain sembahyang dan get ready.
Diaorang tu memang nakal sangat.. tak tahu kenapa ada sahaja yang menggelikan hati.. sikit-sikit nak ketawa, macam kena tickle dengan syaitan. Sudahlah jalan berbondong-bondong, nampak kitaorang semua macam Penguin pula kan bila dah bertelekung jalan dalam gelap.
One of my friends si Yat, somehow dia dapat masuk ke saf paling depan bagi kaum perempuan. You see the surau is not a big one, jadi partition antara jemaah lelaki dan perempuan hanya sehelai kain panjang yang direntangkan.. it serves the purpose lah , macam langsir.
Entah macam mana, dalam salah satu rakaat tu, Si Yat ni sembahyang kat baris paling depan sedang sujud. Suddenly kipas angin yang tergantung dan berputar laju, bertiup ke kain rentang pemisah antara jemaah lelaki dan perempuan, menyebabkan kain tu tertolak ke atas badan Yat. So that bila dia berdiri untuk rakaat seterusnya she found herself berada dalam barisan belakang jemaah lelaki! Tapi dia seorang sahaja, orang lain tak kena!
Yang best tu si Yat dia relax je... sembahyang sampai habis kemudian menyelit masuk ke jemaah perempuan semula. Yang geng-geng di belakang, yang mana sedar sudah tersengguk-sengguk nak ketawa. Yat balik rumah baru dia ketawa tak ingat dunia. Iman dia kuat dan boleh tahan...
Aku pulak tu lah sekali aku pergi.. at that time I was much younger.. tak tahan oi.. gelak.. dahsyat betul..iman tipis gamaknya.. tiap-tiap kali nak ikut diaorang aku akan ketawa... sudahnya tak jadi.. untuk keselamatan juga, takut kalau-kalau tergelak dan mengganggu solat orang lain..
Lepas tu diaorang tak eager sangat nak ke saf depan.. bukan kerana apa.. takut berulang lagi.
Do you?
Ladis, Ladies... If someone asks you this, what would your choice be? A,B,C,D,E or F?
Do you want to fall in love with me again?
A. Huh?
B. No, Not Really.
C. What??
D. Who Are You?
E. Somebody Help Me!
F. None Of The Above.
Personally, I would opt for G. Eh, what's G? Here's what:
G. Pretend that I don't even hear what he said.
Something to share...
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
(Revealed at Makkah, has 17 verses)
By the heaven and by the visitant by night,
and what will explain to you what the visitant by night is?
It is the star of piercing brightness.
For each soul, there is an appointed guardian angel.
Let man consider from what he is created!
He is created from an emitted fluid
that is produced from between the loins and the ribs.
Surely, He(The Creator) has the power to bring him back to life,
on the Day when the hidden secrets will be brought to scrutiny,
then he will have neither power of his own nor any helper.
By the sky which sends down rain
and by the earth which is ever bursting,
surely, this is a decisive word,
and it is no joke.
These unbelievers are plotting a scheme:
and I, too, am plotting a scheme.
Therefore, leave the unbelievers alone. Leave them alone for a while.
AL-AN'AM, 59
He Alone has the keys to the unseen treasures, of which no one knows except Him. He knows whatever is in the land and in the sea; there is not a single leaf that falls without His knowledge, there is neither a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry which has not been recorded in a Clear Book.
AN-NISA', 86
When anyone greets you in a courteous manner, let your greetings be better than his - or at least return the same. Allah keeps account of everything.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Save The Best For Last
Save The Best For Last
by Vanessa Williams
Sometimes the snow comes down in June
Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon
I see the passion in your eyes
Sometimes it's all a big surprise
'Cause there was a time when all I did was wish
You'd tell me this was love
It's not the way I hoped or how I planned
But some how it's enough
And now we're standing face to face
Isn't this world a crazy place
Just when I thought our chance had passed
You go and save the best for last
All of the nights you came to me
When some silly girl had set you free
You wondered how you'd make it through
I wondered what was wrong with you
'Cause how could you give your love to someone else
and share your dreams with me
Sometimes the very thing you're looking for
Is the one thing you can't see
And now we're standing face to face
Isn't this world a crazy place
Just when I thought our chance had passed
You go and save the best for last
Sometimes the very thing you're looking for
Is the one thing you can't see
Sometimes the snow comes down in june
Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon
Just when I thought our chance had passed
You go and save the best for last
You went and saved the best for last
this is a very special dedication...
1. the one in yellow, i dedicate to my lovely charming sister.
2. those in red lines are for pesona yang terlarang.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
In My Dream..
I dreamt of him again.. GOD, he was so handsome as always... smiling and talking to me gently..
He was not pleased with me because of something, but he didn't show it.. pride, of couse.. but i can read it in his eyes...
No, I do not like him at all if that's the thing you were not pleased about.. no worries, okay darling.
I miss you, though.. where have you been?
He was not pleased with me because of something, but he didn't show it.. pride, of couse.. but i can read it in his eyes...
No, I do not like him at all if that's the thing you were not pleased about.. no worries, okay darling.
I miss you, though.. where have you been?
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