Sunday, April 01, 2007

In My Dream..

I dreamt of him again.. GOD, he was so handsome as always... smiling and talking to me gently..

He was not pleased with me because of something, but he didn't show it.. pride, of couse.. but i can read it in his eyes...

No, I do not like him at all if that's the thing you were not pleased about.. no worries, okay darling.

I miss you, though.. where have you been?


Anonymous said...

i dreamt him also...he who taught me to love..Now he married...but still i can't forget him...


u asked me b4 abt F1..pnh minat sat....masa thn 2000-2002...pastu dah tak minat lepas putus dgn X...hehe

spectacularwave said...

u r not talking about the same man, rite? hehehe

wah.. dulu minat team mana? mercedes?