Monday, March 05, 2007

If You Love Someone...

Ladies, ladies.. here's a question..if you love someone truly.. well if you claim you love someone truly, suppose he betrays you, would you do something to embarass him?

I am asking this because on two different occassions, both women claimed to love their men truly but well.. they acted quite the contrary.

Situation One, my friend, whose fiancee has some sort relationship with his own staff... she made one surprise visit to his office and ended up feeling deeply hurt and embarassed (of course I have warned her not to do but she did it anyway).

Situation Two, another lady, whose husband was having an affair (had been having an affair for a long time, and this was his second affair).. she called his office and spoke to the HR, intending to bad mouth and made her husband look bad to the HR.. but didn't quite make it.. as the HR told her that they have no right to interfere in a staff's personal matters. (if i were to be the wife, tak tau mana aku nak letak muka)

Interestingly, both women ni dok menangis la sampai berjuraian air mata.. sayang abang, sayang abang and all.. my question is.. kalau you sayang kenapa you buat begituuuu? WHY?

Of course we all know they have been treated unfairly.. but that's not an excuse to act in such a way... and.. to their detriment!

First and foremost, you are only embarassing yourself..second, rather than getting back your men (which was what both of them wanted apparently), you are only creating a bigger gap between you and him and... you are giving him another reason to hate you... and not to respect you..

Memang ramai yang kata.. "habis dia buat I macam tu.. nak biarkan? " I always say to these people.. yes, dia memang buat hal.. but do you have to be stupid too? and these women would say.. "I geram, I geram.. I buat macam itu baru puas hati I"

Ya, memang puas hati.. but after that, you sakit hati lebih teruk kan? Okay.. katakan you berjaya catch him red-handed... memang puas hati.. but at the same time sakit hati, kan?

Ladies.. should you be facing this situation.. first of all.. calm down, distract yourself if calming down is too hard to be done... whatever it is.. please do not do damaging things.. remember.. if a man does not love you, or have a change of heart or buang tabiat (in the case of old, married man) - at least he should respect you lah kan.. meaning to say.. janganlah buat benda-benda yang akan membuatkan dia memandang rendah pada you...

As for myself.. if ever my husband is seeing someone else.. or is having an affair.. or even my boyfriend pun.. kalau buat perangai.. I am not going to attack him or humiliate him.... bukan apa..not worth it, really.. what if it's nothing.. that he's just flirting.. lepas tu you pula sudah mengamuk macam raksaksa.. elok-elok dia sayang, dia terus menyampah.. kan rugi?

Kalau I, I would secretly find out, act normal... and once I have all the evidence (undoubted evidence) I would ask him.. coolly that is.. see what he has to say... and.. if he lies.. if he doesn't want to come clean.. then.. depending on my assessment of the situation lah... kalau hati ni sakit sangat.. or if it's unforgivable.. hehehe then selamat tinggal lah kau... I would leave quietly..yes.. leaving quietly and gracefully.. yeah so he betrayed me.. but I don't have to go crazy, do I?

after that, tak kisahlah whether dia suka ke tak suka ke I dah tak ada.. it's immaterial.. yang penting I dah tak payah tengok muka dia yang menyakitkan hati itu lagi hahahaha.. and no, tak ada masa nak mengamuk or bersilat or serang-menyerang.. hehehe.. apa class lah kan.... nak berebut orang yang seperti itu.. huhuhuhuhu... bumi Allah ni luas.. umat Muhammad (pbuh) pun ramai hehehe... *grin*

itu kalau I dah tak berniat nak continue the relationship or marriage lah kan...

kalau I still want to continue.. well... to be continued in next post... heheheh...

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