Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I am inspired to launch the For All Womankind series after I have been asked to give opinions, advice and if you could call it.. consultation.. from my female friends. Mostly it involves issues regarding marriage and relationship. Sometimes I do think it's kinda funny since I am not even married hence I have no experience whatsoever in that sense, let alone to advise on it.

This is nothing too serious.. just a flash of thoughts.. and I do welcome precious comments from all of you.. I really do...

The only thing that I have is observation. But, no I do not want any first hand experience of the negative side of being married. That is not to say I do not want to get married. Hahahaha.. just that.. don't get me wrong, alright. But hey, please note that I am in no hurry to get married.

Confused? Well, I bet not as confused as I was when I had to seek the reasons as to why these female friends of mine wanted to get married in the FIRST place when they could already sense the trouble coming! It was as clear as the nose on my face.

I hereby welcome all of you to join me in this series, if you could call it that, with the message Learn To Love Yourself.

Love From Me, @ Tanjung Puteri.

1 comment:

Yatie Tajudin said...

you've been tagged. Check out my blog k. The Beads n Sequin one