Thursday, April 13, 2006

Welcome, My Beloved Niece

Syukur, Alhamdulillah. My very first beloved niece, Anis Farissa binti Mohd. Firdaus was born on April 12, 2006 at 8:59 p.m. in Sultan Abdul Samad Johor Specialist, Johor Bahru. It was a normal birth, both mother and child in excellent conditions.

Anis is such a cute baby with a combination of her Daddy's and Mommy's looks. She has got her mother's nose. My brother recited the Iqamah in the ears of his newborn daughter. My parents were very thrilled. Both of them made endless phone calls to announce the arrival of Anis to our relatives.

Anis is the first child of my brother, Firdaus. Firdaus and Ayati tied the knot on June 5, 2005.

The name Anis Farissa was chosen in combination of the first letter of both her parents, A and F. Anis means someone who is very comforting while Farissa means loyal.

Firdaus was by Ayati's side the entire time while my mother and me waited outside the labor room. My father was in the visitor's room. Later, after Anis has been born, my other three siblings joined us in the hospital. It was Lin who fetched Mas at UTM and Faiz at home and drove them to the hospital. All three stood outside the nursery for a very long time staring at their cute and adorable niece.

It was a memorable night for our family. I am so proud of Firdaus for his love and loyalty to his wife. He stayed by her side all the time. And I am so proud of Yati for her courage, strength and sacrifice. We stayed until midnight, all five of us to accompany Yati while waiting for our mother to return. She went back to take a few more things and perform her Isyaa'. She stayed the night at the hospital with Yati.

Congratulations to Firdaus and Ayati.

Welcome, Dearest Anis, from your Spectacular Aunt. Also from Auntie Lin, Auntie Mas and Uncle Faiz.

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