Monday, March 27, 2006

Teratai, Seroja, Kiambang, Telepuk, Padma

From the same family, but each has different physical shape, and comes in different colors. The cool part is that.. I don't even know which one is which.. hehehehehe.... But they are all beautiful nonetheless..

1 comment:

spectacularwave said...

lotus is my current kegilaan now. something to do with my new project hehehe.

kalau ada new species of teratai, i nak propose it to be named after your name. orchid is named after your beloved, kan. let teratai be named after you, as graceful and lovely as you.

i have missed you for a long time. risau i dengar you sakit. take good care ya Princess, and if you need anything let me know. I doakan agar you segera disembuhkan dan semoga Allah mengusir jauh jauh benda benda yang tidak baik tu. Amin.