Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Self-Observatory Note by Spec

Until today, I have literally stopped eating :

1. Egg - in whatever form.
2. Chocolate.

and reduced the quantity and frequency of eating rice, and drinking Nescafe (my favourite).

In actual fact, I do not believe in doing something drastically to achieve desired results. I am losing weight. But I want to lose it for good. So I must do it right. That's all for now, I guess. Will update more later. I am gonna have to undergo another treatment soon and am really looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

good tht u had reduce ur nescafe intake.. but i heard tht once u r addicted to coffee or consume a great deal of coffe daily, thr might be problems when u reduce, because of caffeine withdrawal.. hope u x rasa la effect caffeine withdrawal tu..

spec u dok mkn nasik byk mana sehari..? how frequent.. yg u dok mkn half palm size tu for twice daily eh..? i pun nak try reduce mkn nasik la.. skang ni i mmg mkn nasik once daily, tp byk gilo la.. n at nite lak tu.. ehehehe byk psl msk sendiri n mkn ngan hubby.. mm nak try reduce la..

spectacularwave said...

memang rasa strawb, aku ada rasa cam nak panjat dinding gak masa 1st day detox diet tu hehehehehe.. but buat derk je.. caffeine addiction is really, really bad and I am quitting slowly now. trying to, actually *wink*

i makan nasi dua kali sehari je for now strawb, ikut that meal plan. u kan dah slim, jangan la reduce, esp if u are still nursing. kalau nak try la ikut meal plan i tu.. tapi u boleh la tambah quantitynya kot.. since u tak ada problem... try la strawb..

Anonymous said...

hahaha ckp aku ni dah slim ke spec..? ni rs nak gelak besa.. boroi cenggini dikata nye slim ;) still have 5 kg to shed off.. nak la dpt pre-pregnancy weight blk.. tp skang i dah ada idol dah ;) tgk u semangat ni inspired skit i rasa..

spectacularwave said...

slim lah strawb, lately nampak u makin lost weight. perut tu lain cerita.. itu cuma need specific exercise, bukan gemuk.

u jangan strawb, inspiration kemender nya.. i have miles and miles to go tau.