Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My First Birthday Party

My first real birthday party was held when I was three. When I say real, it means with invited guests, not just in-house family members. It was held in my kampung where my grandmother resided. In the house where I spent my first few years and where I grew up.

My Mom and my Grandma took all the trouble to make it real. The birthday cake, the balloons, the presents and the homemade food . My Mom said I was scared and terrified at first. When the photographer wanted to take my photo blowing the candles, I cried like mad. Scared with all the guests, the photographer, everything. Not used to that kind of situation.

Hence, as you can see in the second photo above, when I was a bit calmer, I asked my Mom to light up the candles again because I wanna blow it. On a slice of my birthday cake.

The third photo is really the evidence of my very reserved nature. The two lovely girls are actually my cousins whom I knew well. But my Mom had to carry me at first, for I got terrified to play with friends - even my cousins. Have to take some times to get close.

By the way, look how terribly grown up I looked, and I was only three!


Anonymous said...

heyyyyyyyy dia paste gamba dulu2 eh.. good.. love it.. comei nye u dulu2 spec.. manja ni umo 3 taun still kena dukung :P ur mom pun still very young at that time kan.. oo camtu rupa nye kek dedulu eh, i x penah tgk, even dlm gamba.. byk icing kan kek dedulu tp cantik.. btw whc one is ur dad spec..? ke not in the picture..?

Sultana said...

ala la la.. comeinya dia... my first birthday party when 2 years old. One and only, ooh except kat college umur 21. Tu je lah hik hik hik...nanti cari ada tak gambar besday 2 tahun tuh.

spectacularwave said...

ehehe jumpa gamba lama lah strawb... skang pun comel apa warghahahha.. bukanlah manja.. mengada. Entah I masa kecik semua takut, takes time to like things. Balloons pun I takut you, takut dia meletup.

Ahahaha my mom masa ni umur 30 kot. Kek dulu best la.. rindu nak makan kek zaman dulu. Skang mana ada. My dad takde masa ni, belum sampai. Actually this time my Dad was assigned to Labis, not far from Segamat. So dia commute aje, 15-20 minutes gitu. My Mom pun sama, kadang-kadang diaorang tidur sana but me, I live with grandma full time.

spectacularwave said...

tana, ni gamba muka lepas nangis la.. semua takut. i lak second time was when I was seven. I don't really like to have birthday party of my own. Still terrified, I guess ahahahhaa.

cari la your birthday photo tu, nak tengok you masa kecik dulu.