Thursday, December 13, 2007

Kan BETUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somehow Red Devil is right. Semalam I wrote the entry in the morning, late evening he called me (dah menjelma balik dah). Orang tak angkat, siap sms tu... SIBUK NAK SURUH TENGOK MUKA DIA KAT PAPER SEMALAM. What, you think if you wanna be like him, then I boleh jatuh suka kat you, ya? Please la.. just be your self, tak payah nak tiru-tiru. Even kalau you undergo cosmetic surgery tiru muka dia sekalipun, I takkan pandang pun. OKAY?

Because, it's totally different in every sense. And HE is not a cheapo like you. People HUNT him, to get his news, while he tried his best to avoid it. Kalau dapat tu memang dah nasib baik sangatlah. Itulah baru truly exclusive. You pulak, you siap bayar orang lagi to appear in news. Lepas tu paksa orang tengok pula. Please... don't annoy me more. Please.

I do not care how many takeovers and mergers you are doing. Because I simply don't care. PEDULI APA.

Alright then, I will be back tonight.. going shopping today... YAY !!!

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