Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Gone.. I hope

Looks like he's stopped now. Gone - at least I hope so. Janganlah hendaknya dia deliberately be silent for a moment and then ada balik in full force (making up for the time of his absence). Mintak ampun, mintak maap.. janganlah macam tu pulak. TOLONGGGlah... menyampah!

You know, there are people yang deliberately be silent for a while - either wanna make their absence noticed or simply tunjuk perasaan. Believe me when I say apa pun you buat, tak berguna. Because I pray wholeheartedly that you will be gone from my life for good, so why on earth would I miss your presence? Tak perlu nak pull a 'so-called merajuk' act or anything, sebab I PEDULI APA PUN. Lagi lama you tak ada, lagi bagus. And kalau tak ada call/sms terus pun berlebihlah membahagiakan. Aman damai dan sentosa.

Whatever it is I really hope dia memang dah faham 100% yang his presence is not wanted.

Oh, nasib baik my friend Red Devil is away on a training session. Kalau tidak mesti I dah kena marah dengan Red. Red selalu kata "Kalau dia dah diam tu, jangan sebut-sebut, esok MENJELMA balik, suwey tau". Tehahhahahhahahaha! Hmm, Red cepatlah balik JB. I hope you will get a much better offer.


Anonymous said...

ehehe slalu nye camni la kan spec.. yg kita nak tu payah sgt nak dpt.. yg kita x ingin tu la yg terhegeh2 dtg bertandang.. tp kan ntah2 that guy just pull an act to get ur response.. mana la tau untung nasib bulan terang u pujuk dia ke ape kan.. ;)

spectacularwave said...

hey strawberry u buat bulu roma i meremang... hehehe..jangan la. Huh, TAKDE MANA NYA AKU NAK PUJUK DIA. Eh kalau lah mamat tu kata dia dah takmo geng I lagi, I bawak bendera Johor lari keliling rumah, betapa bersyukurnya I hehehe. Thing is, dulu I dah hamun perambat dia.. pastu this year dia call I semula. Susahlah ini macam.