Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Minta jasa baik kawan-kawan semua, readers and all visitors of this blog to vote my niece. She entered the Baby Idol Contest organized by Mix FM yesterday. Closing date for voting is on Nov 30, 2007. To vote her,

1. Go to

2. Click Interests, select Baby Idol

3. Find her photo, which is the above photo, with her name and details. The photo should be on page 1 or 2. Simply click on the bottle on the right side for scores. (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED : 10) hehehehe. Vote will be counted 1 per person but scores are counted according to how many times you click. (HINT : CLICK UNTIL YOU DROP) *grins*

4. Pray for her so that she will be the weekly winner and overall winner.



Anonymous said...

k will surely do that now.. btw the contest sounds interesting.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

spectacularwave said...

dear strawberry, thank you so much for voting.. kita cuma cuba-cuba saja..for fun.. it closes on 30th november kalau tak silap.. kitaorang pun baru aje tau.. u tak register for hasif ke?

anyway there's johnson and johnson that we didn't see, closed on August 15th. nampak macam menarik.. rugi pula rasa.. tak apalah maybe next year boleh cuba.

once again, thank you so much for voting.

Anonymous said...

spec.. we tried to vote for the jedi youngling today.. but we noticed tht the score x naik2 pun..? dah login to epass pun x dpt.. ke salah method ek kitorg mengevote ni..

ehehe btw we had registered hasif also.. but don't worry jedi youngling.. auntie will still vote for u :D

spectacularwave said...

tq strawberry... bukan salah method... i noticed since Saturday midnight benda tu memang tak naik2. Guess they close voting on weekends kot.. dahsyat tul. Tadi pun ada problem sket. Anyway agaknya weekdays ok semula kot.

Congrats on your entry. Nanti I pun tolong votekan Hasif, kay. Who knows dua-dua jadi weekly winners, kan?

To everyone else, please continue to vote babies Anis and Hasif.. vote berkali-kali-kali-kali... tq.