Friday, November 16, 2007

Gone Case

Why I say he is such a crazy man? Because.. well here's why.

Please bear in mind that since knowing him (and that was like, five years back) I TAK PERNAH have any feelings for him. Not one teeny tiny dot. Okay? Do not ask me why I have never had any feelings for him. Benda ni dia sendiri-sendiri. Simply put, kalau berkenan, berkenanlah. Kalau dah sekali tak berkenan, takyah lah nak try-try hari lain. I ni jenis yang kalau dah tak berkenan tu, tidaklah. Kalau suka, tak payah bersuruh, kalau tak nak tak usahlah paksa. That's me. Zero-tolerance.

He has been in touch with me on and off , both in JB and KL. I do not mind having him as a friend or buddy. I did enjoy having him as friend. But that's all there's to it. Masalahnya... dia ni memang gila. Perasan pun ya. I do not need to go into details, tak nak lah spoil your appetite for life kan. Macamana I tak kata dia gila, kan. Bila kita tak pernah indicate directly or indirectly yang kita ni suka dia, macamana lah dia boleh tunjuk jual mahal? Siapa yang peduli?? Do you see what I am saying?

And that, coming from a man aged 39, Ya Allah... Heaven knows. He's been calling me frequently lately, from KL that is. When I started to feel rimas, I did things that were not to his liking, namely calling him at wee hours. Bukan niat nak cakap pun, saja dengki biar dia marah. A few days ago he sent me this sms:

"I dun like u call 1am or 3am or worst 5am. I also dun like when u dun answer n no returning my cal. Understd? Lastly i really dun like if u dun repeat the above mentioned."

To which I replied "very well then". Dia jawab plak "U dun like?" I said, "like what?" And he said "dun like wat i dun like u to do". Dengan penuh takzim, I replied back " 1. I do not understand. 2. I do not care. Wateva."

Ingat dah habislah. Takkk, semalam dia call lagi, nak provoke konon. Since yesterday I bolayan je. Tapi bukanlah nak berpatah arang ke apa. Sebab I rasa I dah boleh agak what he's up to. Tapi on my side, memanglah negative. So to me tak ada apa yang change, he is just still my friend. Tadi baru kejap ni dia call, I angkatlah. Nak tau kenapa I marah sangat?

Sebab tadi orang tua tu konon nak explain kenapa dia sms jangan call pagi-pagi buta. Siap kata, kalau I live in his neighbourhood, susahlah dia kalau I tiba-tiba knock his door pagi-pagi buta. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Hello, pakcik tua bangka, how much does it take for you to understand that orang tak SUKA you??? Do you need me to spell it out? Nak berleter pulak.. lupa ke, you yang sibuk call I selama ni, and not me? Tak ada siapa je perempuan yang nak ketuk pintu rumah you. 100% Guaranteed. Sekarang baru I faham betul kenapa at 39 you are STILL NOT MARRIED. Here's why :


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