Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Iceman Won!

I am so, so happy! He won! The Iceman won! My Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari won the 2007 Formula One World Championship. Congrats to Ferrari, Kimi and Felipe!

I will write more about this hero of mine.. in the meantime, do drool over these...

these are the photos of Kimi when he's missing me!

and this... is Kimi the moment he sees me......



Anonymous said...

hamboiii menung jauh dia spec rindu kan u.. ;)

Mimiamilia said...

ahahah sis..
tgok nama dia..KIMI..itu gabungan nama i tu :P

spectacularwave said...

strawberry : itulah dia kan.. kalau dekat bercakar.. dah jauh rindu.. cewaahhh! ;)

mimi : mentang-mentang nama nak dekat hehehe... eh my niece memang panggil Kimi as Mimi..