Friday, August 24, 2007

Why, eh?

The following scenes are based from my very own observation. I am not too sure if we could blame the age factor...

1) I tengok orang-orang yang berumur 40 years and above.. cara mereka cakap tentang sesuatu macam lebih kepada berleter - or like mengomel ke apa. Tapi tak semualah yang begitu.. some women aged 40 above masih maintain their way of speaking. Very articulate, that is. But the rest, the moment they start speaking.. tak terkata aku dibuatnya. One most recent conversation I had was like this. I was speaking to a man, aged 45. After a while talking over the phone, he had to excuse himself to get ready for work. "Okaylah Dear, I nak mandi-mandi, I nak cuci-cuci.......etc". Tak menyeringai pulak aku kan, nasib baik dalam phone. Tu pun macam nak tersembur gelak gak lak kan. Heheheheh.

Gelihati because I just don't speak like that. Kalau nak mandi, I'd say, okaylah I wanna have a shower.. or I nak mandi. Kalau nak ke supermarket, I would simply say I wanna buy things or groceries or toiletteries. Just that. Not "I nak pergi supermarket, nak cari sayur-sayur sikit, buah-buah sikit, ikan, daging.........................". Hadoi, boleh menyembur gelak dibuatnya.

2) Pernah tak perasan yang golongan begini (40 ke atas) kalau dia bagi estimation, selalunya tak berapa reliable? Like for instance, a man I know who lives in Kulai, Johor. He kept telling me.. "Rumah I dekat aje dengan airport, you tau. Airport tu belakang rumah I je. Dekat sangat lah. Belakang je...". Dan I pula masa tu, terfikir. Biar betul.. the airport is in Senai, camana plak dia kata rumah dia dekat benor ngan airport, sebab dia duduk Kulai. Kulai and Senai, Senai and Kulai, are two, obvious, different names and places. And then okay la, I terfikir pula, mungkin rumah dia ni at this one end of Kulai which is soooo near to Senai ke, kan. Then one day aku pergi rumah dia and... MAK DATUK! Punyalah jauhhhhhhh rumah dia dengan airport!!!!!!!!!!!! You had to cross Kulai town and then masuk ke Senai sedalam-dalamnya baruuuuu jumpa Senai Airport. See, he's not even living in Kulai small town!!

And me, being myself, aku pun taji la cukup-cukup. "Macam ini you kata dekat? Ya Allah, you punya estimation memang I tak boleh percayalah. Dekat ni ???" And the man said "Dekat apa.. hardly 15 minutes dah sampai airport," Hah!!!! Airport belakang rumah dia konon... BELAKANGLAH SANGAT.

Entahlah some people just like to exaggerate. I don't like that. I really don't like. At its worst, boleh menyusahkah orang lain. I pun tak tau lah kenapa dengan orang-orang ni. Orang tanya sepatah, jawab 7 patah.. benda yang sedikit dibesar-besarkan. Nak tarik perhatian orang ke, terlampau mesra ke. Tak taulah kenapa.. kompiussss.

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