Saturday, August 18, 2007

Him : Another You Part V

Hey, hey, hey you My Jedi Knight! This 'Him' I am talking about is so NOT ANOTHER YOU!
I just found out tonight. His attitude, like you put it, SUCKS!

And.. (nak mengadu lah ni).. he said so many mean things to me.. but.. I did not reciprocate.. I followed your advice.. be nice to people.. and it feels good everytime.. besides I tak sampai hati nak kutuk dia... memang banyak point boleh kutuk.. tapi it's okay.. Kasihan..tak apalah dia nak kata I katalah..I accept.

well he may say I ni stupid kan.. tak tau nak melawan.. tak apalah.. he's not from my league.. way, way too easy..kalau I hentam dia nanti tak boleh bangun lagi.. so.. I biarkan saja..

lagipun I kan angelic.. angels don't do such things, right regal sis?

It takes a Forbidden to know an Angel *wink*

by the way I have successfully defeated that so-called Another You.. hehehe see.. all too easy.

I am officially getting rid of him today.


Anonymous said...

You are right, angels are so lovely ~ they do not harm others :)

spectacularwave said...

:) tq my dearest regal sis. I do not want to do any harm to this person. No matter how harsh he might be. Plus, he is not from my league. It would be too easy. *wink*