Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wedding Preparation

NOT MINE :) .For the past two days, i've been helping my aunt with the preparations for my cousin's wedding next month. this is the bunga telur, and she made this herself. Bunga stokin, indeed. Bayangkanlah dia buat dalam a thousand over.. all by herself pulak tu... my sister pun maybe nanti tempah dengan dia.. me too *wink*. Well, at least the exclusivity is guaranteed. I dah siap ugut dia suruh protect my design... jangan buat untuk orang lain hehehe.. joking, of course.

the entire thing, she did it herself. the only thing yang i buat ialah ikatkan that ribbon. tapi banyak, alright.. a thousand plus.. tadi cuma siapkan one box saja.. esok sambung lagi... semalam kita lipat tiny plastic boxes.. also for doorgift juga..

actually i pun tahu juga buat this bunga stokin.. tapi tak berani nak buat untuk orang.. tak confident heheheh.. i belajar dengan auntie last year.. and i did make bunga teratai. a few of them, for myself... adalah a few hantaran stuffs yang i boleh buat.. but jarang sekali i buat.. i am impatient, remember?

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