Friday, May 29, 2009

Zalim Lagi Tidak Bertamadun

Read the title. It is exactly like what's written there, in the title.

Read these. You have to read these to understand. At least read the first link:

I know not what's in the mind of this woman who abused her child consistently.

TO WOMEN OUT THERE, yang mana belum berumahtangga tapi terasa teringinnn sangat nak berumahtangga.. atau berangan sangat nak kawen, kalau rasa belum betul betul ready, tak usahlah menambahkan masalah. Nanti ada jiwa-jiwa lain yang merana.

More often than not, I encounter the case of pempuan-pempuan yang nak kawen tapi tak fikir fasal tanggungjawab langsung. Main tangkap muat aje. Hence, if anything goes wrong, selalunya anak la yang jadi mangsa... contohnya macam dalam link yang I letak kat atas tu.

I had tears in my eyes earlier on Thursday morning when I read that newspaper report. I though, apa jenis punya perempuan la tu. Kononnya facing difficulties lepas divorce. I mean, ramai lagi wanita lain yang berpisah dengan hubs tapi takla sampai gila macam itu sekali. Ni tak lain tak bukan jenis pempuan yang 200% dependent ngan husband. Laki takde je mula meroyan tak ingat dunia. TOTALLY STUPID.

I thought of my niece, and my sister Yati. Of how careful she is when caring for her daughter, of her sacrifice bila Anis sakit. Of her daily motherly duties. And I ask myself, hapa jenis la manusia yang sanggup mendera anak sendiri macam dalam newspaper report tu, sampai patah gigi bawah, tinggal gums aje. Just imagine, kita yang dah dewasa ni still rasa sakit giler kalau cabut gigi. Apalagi la a boy aged 5... God, the very thought of her beating him sampai gigi tanggal.. how on earth did he go to sleep in pain.. macamana dia nak makan, siapa yang comfort the boy when he's being abused..Dear God, have mercy on the boy. Take him away from his insane mother forever and put him under the loving arms of truly kind-hearted people.

I remember reading what Datuk Seri Shahrizat said about this matter:

“There are other ways to solve your problems, be it through family, community or the Welfare Depart­ment,”

And I am in total agreement with her. There are so many ways to solve one's problems.

Tapi, untuk perempuan yang dah teruk sangat macam dalam kes dalam newspaper tu, my only suggestion is... hey why not you kill yourself la. That way, you are not only doing yourself a favor, but a big favor to everyone else. Your son will not need you pun, if you continue to behave like that.

1 comment:

en_me said...

sodeyy kannns.. salammm akak iteww