Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yesterday, was my first day of undergoing the fruit detox diet. The results : I ate pineapple for my breakfast, papaya for my lunch and nothing for dinner. And warm plain water throughout the day, as prescribed. I know I was supposed to eat pineapple for dinner again, but I don't really like pineapple that much.

The good news is (and this, i am particularly proud of), I managed to stay away from everything else. Even though my house was literally overloaded with yummy food yesterday, I did not touch anything else. Let's see, there were mee siam and egg sandwiches for breakfast, for lunch - rice with so many accompanying "lauk". Since yesterday was a public holiday, so there were relatives coming over, so my Mom made her signature Mee Rebus, with all the kuah and everything. And to add to the sweet torture, a relative brought custard pudding. God! How mean...

So, that's it. I passed Day 1 - The Pineapple and Papaya day, without any sliding at all. As for today, Day 2 The Melon Day, I hope and pray I will have the similar, if not greater, strength. And am really looking forward to Dinner Day 3, which is tomorrow - Baked Potato with Green Salad. Finally! Something that has the most resemblance of food, I think. And while I am not really looking forward to Day 4 The Grape Day, I am also happy that it will be the last day of the 4 Days Torture.

To read more on Detox Diet, you could click here.


Anonymous said...

yeaaaa bravo spec.. if u can go thru yesterday's detox plan, definitely today will be much easier.. besides melon taste a whole lot better than pineapple kan.. kalau nak sng, u blend je melon tu byk2 n minum smbil buat keje lain.. lagi cpt knyg nanti :D

Anonymous said...

allo jiejie...sure leh jadi survivor nyer..that day masa balik beli buah..makk org nk meniaga aje,ehehehe...
anyway..BEST OF LUCK!!!

do u remember what stalin told us that day..."sian dia..INNOCENT"..yg kt umah dia tu tgh bermati-matian SURVIVING..hidup dlm ketakutan...

spectacularwave said...

Strawb, i am having melon hangover muehehehehehhe... mabuk sey! but yes, melon tastes a whole lot better than that pineapple...

strawb, i tak blend smalam.. i makan.. konon psychologically tu kira 'makan' gak la hehehheeheh... takut lapar.. that bad, huh myself hehehe..

spectacularwave said...

Hello meimei dearest, tq so much for the wish.. ahahahha.. meniaga buah-buahan eh.. again, thank you for the wish and motivation, Mama.

Ahahaha.. Innocent? Apasal la si Nickleodeon tu kan meimei? betul tu, sampai pucat gusi surviving, yang dalam umah dia tu.. ahhahahahaha...

Anonymous said... arr jiejie ni kasi dh lama x nmpk 'survivor' tu kt luar umah..lagi la dh ada neighbour baru kt dpn umah diaorg tu..ramai lak tuh angkatannya...;D

makin kuatla menggigil..dh xleh sabo lg nk angkat kaki...ehehehe..

spectacularwave said...

hehehe nickleodeon.. shows how much i am glued to the TV, eh?

erm, btol ke meimei, our new freaky neighbour tu on spying mission? nampak cam sengaja menunjukkan diri je.. orang nak spy bukan cam gitu..

entahlah.. the world is not safe anymore... agree?