Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Kejam dan Zalim?

"Kau memang kejam. Macam Nazi."

Itu kata-kata Red Devil, when I told her about him. Remember, I told you about that guy, who kinda annoyed me to the max?

This is what. He called me on December 31st, afternoon, konon nak wish Happy New Year. I took his call because it looked like he has learnt some lessons lah kan. But he sounded, like, so ill. You know, suara dia slow, cakap pun tak berapa clear. And me, being me, tak buang masa, terus attack.

"You ni kenapa? Sakit?"

"Yalah, sakit. Demam lah. Since yesterday. But I'm like 70-80% recovered."

Cheh, you want to fish for attention, go elsewhere lah ya. Because, Number One, I do not really like you. And you are just another friend. Number Two, kalau I layan, you menjadi-jadi. So...

"Macam mana boleh demam? You kena hujan ke?" (And I said this in a sympathetic tone.. baik je bunyi heheheheh...)

"Yalah.. kena hujan.. teruklah..."


"Hahah... kena hujan pun boleh demam? Malulah sikit, I yang perempuan ni pun tak selembik you (paling teruk pun pening kepala je tapi aku tak cakaplah kat orang tua ni). I rasa you're getting old, that's why."

"Yalah... I dah tua..." (konon buat suara sedih... apa, ingat I kesian?)

Some more...

"Ke you pergi party all night long on Christmas? Hangover?"

"Must be that as well... Haiya teruklah" (Tak putus asa nampaknya.. nak pancing kesian. Hai entah siapalah cikgu yang mengajar dia ni)

"You ni, dah tua macam ni pun nak party all night lagi ke? I yang much younger ni pun taklah gila pergi party like you. Sedarlah you are no longer young like you used to be. Dah tua."

"Yalah.. I ni tua.. anyway just call to wish you Happy New Year. All the best, okay". He said this dengan suara terbatuk-batuk... menunjukkan how much he was in pain, konon-konon-kononnya..

During the whole conversation, I was like, laughing non-stop. He noticed that, apparently for he said "Wah, you betul-betul suka eh, I sakit. You ketawa saja eh?".

"Eh, mestilah suka... selalu you sound so alive and you know, so okay. So when you sound so weak, mestilah I suka." And I continued laughing....

"Yalah, yalah. So okay, you take care..."

"Wait, wait. Nak letak dah ke? Tell me, malam ni you pergi mana nak celebrate New Year?" (and after this I ketawakan dia lagi banyak-banyak-banyak.

"Yalah, ketawalah.." he said.

"Okay call me back whenever you are not feeling well. Nanti boleh I ketawa lagi. Ingat tu, when you're not feeling well. Not when you are feeling better. Okay? Happy New Year. Bye."

So that was that. Remember I said, I could be cruel and I could be mean. Itu pun sikit saja tu. Well, siapa suruh buat tak faham bahasa.

Yes, I boleh jadi kejam dan zalim when the need arises. For very good reasons. And in this case, I do not want to encourage him further. For his own good juga. Hai tak payahlah nak fishing with kindness and sweet words. Like my Jedi Master said, DULY NOTED. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

adoiii br nak bermanja2 dah kena gelak :D

spectacularwave said...

hoih itu bukan nak bermanja.. itu MENGADA hehehe.. so, standard treatment.. nak mengada-ngada kalu, boleh jalan! Tak ada masa nak layan. *smiles*