Friday, December 21, 2007

What A Sad Story..

"Any vomitting?"

"Yes, once. At around 3 pm."

"Then I'm gonna have to give you an injection for that. You okay with that?"

"Oh, no, no no. Not injection, NO."

"Alright, then you take a tablet now and do not eat for an hour."

So that's what happened to me on Aidiladha. I was really, really sick. Flat. (But still cool, alright). What happened was, I was suffering from Food Poisoning, NOT because of something I ate, but because of something my Mom ate during her last visit to KL. Oh, by the way, it can be contagious, and.. I just knew it! One by one, my family members got infected by it, until there were three people left. And.. I HAD to be the second runner up!! on Aidiladha!

And yes, people. I missed everything. I mean, EVERYTHING. Including my sister-in-law's yummy Lemongrass Rice and Blackpepper Chicken (my personal favourite). All my aunts from KL brought lots of delicious cuisines, and I missed those too. Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The problem with me was, I was hungry but I am forbidden to eat all those spicy food, or anything with milk in it. Unlike my family members who couldn't eat anything because they will vomit everytime. And I had to eat all 6 types of medications that the doc prescribed!

So for the rest of that night, I cuma makan bubur nasi dengan kicap kemudian minum air sirap and Ribena alternately. No Nescafe whatsoever. (by the way Ribena is my all-time favourite daripada kecik lagi pun, so no problem!)

Alhamdulillah, earlier this morning I felt a lot better and stronger.


Anonymous said...

alahai kesian nye dia.. hope u feel better now.. x dpt la nak mkn ketupat rendang time raya ni..? my doc told me last time that yakult or vitagen or nestle yogurt drinks or any kind of drinks or yogurts yg ada live culture tu bagus time diarrhea.. nanti bleh cpt baik.. eheheh i pun diarrhea 1st raya tu.. tp mlm la sbb eat too much eheheh..

spectacularwave said...

thanks.. feeling much better now cuma a bit weak, but guess that's normal kan... and thanks for the tips... i baru dengar yang ini.. i was told that 100 plus is good too.. tapi i terlupa minum... nanti malam ni nak cari.

i jarang nak kena diarrhea tapi ini jangkitan.. sob.. sob.. sedih.. miss all the yummies.