Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Sometimes being stubborn can generate positive results. But sometimes it could be a major annoyance.

People have described me as being stubborn (which i am not proud of, by the way). Kalaupun I ni dikatakan stubborn, it is due to a very good reason, or because i am defending my rights, NOT because I want to show people that I am stubborn.

My Mom used to tell me many, many years ago " Jangan degil-degil sangat, nanti berpadah". An advice which I appeared to take lightly but in actual fact, I did consider in depth when alone. But, what she said has some truth in it, yes. Memang berpadah kalau terlalu degil tak tentu hala.

So, kalau hidup sentiasa dilanda padah bertimpa-timpa, then perhaps we should review our own life. Chances are, we will find that apa yang berlaku adalah berpunca daripada diri sendiri. So sebelum menyalahkan sesiapa lebih baiklah 'audit' diri sendiri dahulu, without bias.

So, atas alasan ini juga kalau I nak take risk for anything, apa-apa akibat yang terjadi I akan tanggung sendiri, tak ada bising-bising punya.

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