Sunday, December 09, 2007

Jom Pi Cameron!

She says : You, jom kita pi Cameron... jom la..
He says : Can... that's a good idea.. when?
She says : End of year? (and she goes on and on...)

"We could stay here...."

".. or here...."

"or even here...."

"...enjoy the cold climate, how refreshing...and peaceful"

"you could, you know.. buy me lots and lots of flowers..."

"and more flowers..."

"eat lots of strawberries (or go strawberry-picking).."

"buy some oranges (or tangerines or whatever...)"

"get some cacti for our place..."

"get one of these butterflies thingie"

".... and.. eat lots of these....err.. curry-puffs"

He says : Everything sounds great, Honey except the last one. Err.. What's with curry-puffs? They are available everywhere.
She says : I dunno, I just say it coz I see the photos in this brochure.. (and selambaly walking to the kitchen, totally non-caring).
He says : Hai... dia ni kan... (sighs)


Anonymous said...

jiejie..adik teringat masa adik wuz @ cameron arrr...jom kita pi ramai nak??:D

spectacularwave said...

ye la.. gambar2 uols kat Cameron tu pun cun.. jom la pi..masa buat entry tu kita siap teringat cemana la agaknya kalau awak bawak Ana 2 gi Cameron? Sure comel, dengan sweater nya, gambar kat tomatoes heheheheh

Anonymous said...

erm..bergambar kt tomato..mcm gambar mama tuh..allo a'ak..sweater ANA tu siap amoi kt kedai pun terpikat..dun u remember?dat time kita pi wat hair do for her..adik nk pi cameron lg..jom arr..anis juk..jukkk..ehehehe

spectacularwave said...

boleh ke kiter ikut? muehehehehe... nak pinjam sweater momot... jukk jukk muehehehehe