Sunday, December 30, 2007

Children Learn What They Live

If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience

It was with these words repeated in my mind that I spoke to my youngest brother earlier this morning before he left for his two months National Service training.

I just told him that two months - not a long time! Before you know it, you are gonna be back home. But this is going to be something new, so while you are there, savour and enjoy the moment. Learn as much as possible, because you will never know when you are going to need the knowledge and expertise. There is no telling.

Yes, this is the first time he will be away from home for a long time. But by nature, he is cool and independent for a youngest sibling. And he is the first from our family to go to the training. Nobody from our family, no cousins from both sides have ever been called up. And I told him he was lucky, although he didn't really agree with me.

A few days ago, I gave him some tips to polish his military boots. Wonder where I got that from? Yeah, well from my university days. I was kinda pushed to take the extra curricular subject. Entah macam mana, our names were registered by the seniors to join it. Kejam betul. We, being the freshies had no choice but to join it. But yes, there's a blessing in disguise. Though we were (cruelly) labelled as "Bintang Tiga" every Monday as we were marching along the campus, the skills that we've obtained were too many.

Back to my story, so I shared with him a few more tips, like how to straighten the bedsheet so that when the person-in-charge yang periksa your bed, in case dia baling duit syiling 5 sen, the coin will bounce back. (just in case they use such method). Lucky him, because almost all my siblings have such training in university, so he would get the tips and know what to expect.

Yeah, I reminded him to remember Allah all the time, and berdoa. This is very important because praying must be wholehearted and not just a routine. I told him stay close to people.. kalau ada anything important don't wait for too long. Cepat-cepat alert instructors. Or, call the many 'talian hayat' kat rumah ni, if they let you use the phone. Nanti mana-mana "commando" kat rumah ni akan buat follow-up and rescue mission hehehehe. Just kidding.

But I have read about the modules of the National Service and I found them very good and useful.. So, Best Wishes, bro, we are going to miss you. Be safe. And hope you will have your CNY break.

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