Saturday, October 21, 2006

My Goodness

Astaghfirullahaladzimmmmm.... My Goodness.. I don't know what to say right now. I really, really, don't. I am deply upset, shocked, terrified and bingung.

Why? Here's why.. minutes ago as I was here on the Internet I heard the sound of cats fighting and I ran fastly downstairs and went outside to check. AND I SAW THAT BLESSED, BIG, Persian Cat, that has been in this neighborhood for quite some time, creating terror among the cats at this particular area. And I say it coming from the direction where Badrul and Blossom are. I checked on them.. I found Badrul lifeless, tapi his body is pretty stiff, which means he's gone agak lama juga.. maybe for hours. Innalillahiwainnailaihiraaji'uun. Badrul is dead, today October 21, 2006. That leaves Blossom. I suspected Badrul died not because of being injured by that Persian, but probably from cold.

As if that alone is not enough to cause huru-hara, I looked for my darling Buttercup but could not find her anywhere in sight. Yang ada Bochee, the mother. God Help Me, masa I menyuluh ke sana sini, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her face pressing from the windscreen of my brother's car, as if signalling for help.

I ran frantically to asked for car key from my brother, with the hope that there's no mess created in the car i.e. urine accidents or the likes. But I took Anis' travelling mattress and throw it in the washing machine for safety measures... tak mau ada bulu kucing whatsoever.

Kasihan memang kasihan sangat-sangat but Butter is so, so nakal.. which worries me greatly.. you know what they say about cat's curiosity...

Tak Taulah Apa Nak Kata....

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