Monday, June 29, 2009

Lovely Kelantan - Part II

Dalam merayau-rayau semalam, I jumpa ini di forum, thread Villa Danialla Resort, Tok Bali, Kelantan. Description di forum tu tentang Villa ini buat I sangat tertarik:

The Villa Danialla is a spectacular beach paradise with alluring South China Sea blueseascope as far as the eye can see. A place surrounded by calmness that you might only dream about, where you can walk along the waters edge at sunrise or watch breathtaking sunsets with pastel coloured skies off in the distance. Provides the warmth and charm for an ideal retreat and romantic getaway.

Cantik, kan? SPECTACULAR. Nanti I sambung dengan gambar pantai dan resortnya lagi. Credits go to forum members neojack and villa danialla.


strawberry said...

hi spec.. ehehe lama x jln2 sini.. waaa lawa la villa ni.. i ada plan nak g kelantan/terengganu taun dpn ke, nanti nak surf la tgk.. btw i rasa cam familiar ngan nama villa.. ayah one of local celebrity punye kot rasa nye.. ke i dah mixed up ngan tpt lain uhuhu..

Wan Amalyn said...

salam. Lama tak jenguk sini =)
klu tak silap wan, villa danialla ni milik keluarga Haflin (pernah jadi pengacara tp sorry lupa apa rancangannya) Danialla dinamakan sempena nama adik bongsu dia.

pernah keluar kat tv dalam segmen bersama Xandria Ooi kat ntv7 (kalau tak silap la... )

sbnrnya wan sendiripun tak pernah sampai kat Tok Bali nih... =)