Thursday, January 03, 2008

Kejam dan Zalim Part II

He called me around 8 pm something just now as I was busy arranging my storybooks in my room. So we were talking about this unfortunate prominent someone who was involved in the "VCD" scandal.

Generally I was in agreement with him, in saying that there are many prominent people out there who did the same thing (or even worse) but this one person has clearly been set up by someone with a motive. He just got very unlucky, that's all.

I said " Yalah, it's something too common. It's like everbody's doing it. Semua orang pun, especially prominent ones, tak kira Malay ke, Chinese ke, Indian ke, mesti ada buat kerja gitu. Clearly, it's so wrong, but he's not alone definitely."

Eh, dia quickly potong cakap I. Dia kata "Well, I have to disagree with you on that.. on saying everybody's doing it...." (he said this in a very indescribably irritating way. Eleh, dia nak kata dia tak macam gitu lah, ces nak promote diri konon. And I, with the speed of light cut him ..)

"Oh yes, you of course lah tidak, I know you tak buat kerja macam tu, because no sane woman would want to sleep with you".

Lepas tu dia gelak-gelak la, konon nak cover. But I know I did make him bleed inside.

PADAN MUKA, siapa suruh tak reti-reti. Nak cakap, cakap ajelah. Tak payahlah nak pancing undi, takde siapa nak vote muka engkau tu (ni dah habis geram lah ni). I wouldn't mind talking to him, tapi for the love of God, please quit trying.

Sorry, man. You're Dead On Arrival.

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