Monday, December 03, 2007


As of tonight, my eyes are currently red, itchy and watery. MAJOR IRRITATION, people! Dunno if this is an allergic reaction to the Kerang Rebus Serai that I ate at dinner. Selama ni okay je.. tak pernah pula macam ni... eeeeeee rimasnya! Tak taulah because of that or the weather. As it is, sekejap panas terik and the next moment hujan lebat, sudden drop of temperature... and really low. Sejuk tau..


Anonymous said...

aik..jb pon winter ker?hehe...

spectacularwave said...

jidannnnnnnnnnn bebeh... lama tak nampak.. miss u!

eh jb pun winter tau these days.. kalau malam siap ada kabus.. remang-remang gitu... romantiss nyah! tehahahahahahah