Not so long ago I bought Madam Chair magazine, Issue IX. Inside there's An Interview With Raja Zarith Sofiah Idris by Aishah Ali. The above photos are from Madam Chair. I love her new hairstyle. Mula-mula tengok tak boleh kenal, she looks so young.
And the above photo is from Camylea of Cari Forum. That's Raja Zarith with Tunku Aminah.
I really like Raja Zarith. She is a Crown Princess with a vision. I cannot wait to read her books. Cepat-cepatlah publish, Tuanku.
ha ah.. she's indeed looks much younger and more elegant.. i suka nama dia..
I like her,too. Baik budi pekerti, bersih jiwa, ikhlas nurani. It is so not easy to find someone like her these days. Seriously.
memang pun raja zarith sofia berjiwa rakyat. waktu menemubual dia di istana pasir pelangi terasa kagum sangat dengan sifat merendah dirinya. paling luar biasa selepas bertemu... tatkala ber sms atau beremel dengan tuanku.... terasa tiada protokol atau jurang rakyat dengan istana
Strawberry i pun suka nama dia.. beautiful and classic, sesuai dengan orangnya...:)
Princess, yes she is.. moreover she is genuine in everything.. i find that very very rare, these days.
kak lily memangnya bertuah.. dapat ke istana pasir pelangi.. kita ni lalu di luar sajalah di stulang tu.. :)
well,it's a nice name,of course..and i'm sure this name was given by my bro-in-law,to his daugther(my niece)regarding to her name..and he/is from johor while my sis(of course me also)from perak, like raja zarith sofiah..
Anonymous, thank you for visiting my blog.. I agree.. this is name is beautiful and nice like a fairytale name indeed.. so your family pun Johor- Perak jugalah ya?
How old is your niece now, if I may ask...
Bersetuju sangat.ketika berkhidmat di istana pasir pelangi belum pernah dengar raja zarith memaki hamun,bercakap kasar.malah kadang-kadang rmj ketika kecil bercakap kasar terhadap jamil raja zarith akan memarahi beliau.malah berpesahd ekat jamil jika tengku tik kurang ajar sila lapor kepada raja zarith.
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