Late Monday afternoon Mom asked me to drive her to the JB City Square, because she wanted to buy some raya cards. So off we went with my youngest brother. It was quite late so she booked a table at the Secret Recipe. Bukan apa takut tak sempat balik ke rumah. My Dad was scheduled to break fast at the MB's and Nayniss and folks went somewhere on a secret mission (ahem).
Jadi kalau dah namanya ke MPH, memang tak sah kalau tak beli buku, walaupun tujuan asal memang nak beli raya cards. And I bought this one by Jemari Seni:

It's Labyrinth by Imaen. Ini karya kedua Imaen yang I beli. Yang pertama ialah Vendetta (3 Dalam 1 oleh Jemari Seni), which I bought months ago also at MPH. Di kedai lain tak nampak pula mungkin belum sampai masa tu. I like Imaen's writing style. Karya Imaen menggambarkan betapa penulisnya memiliki pengetahuan yang amat luas, tetapi yang paling mahal ialah gaya penulisan yang bersahaja dan humble. Yet the outcome is great. Bagaimanapun I masih belum mula membaca Labyrinth lagi.
Buku-buku yang selesai dibaca dalam waktu terdekat ini ialah Setulus Setia Seindah Nama oleh Siti Hazneza Abdul Hamid dan Moga Kau Mengerti oleh Lily Haslina Nasir. Currently reading Ku Seru Namamu oleh Hani Mysara. Semua ni memang karya-karya yang membuatkan I lebih banyak 'bersemayam' dalam bilik tak keluar-keluar, asyiklah menatap. Itulah jadinya kalau I dah mula membaca novel. Lepas satu, satu. Dan setiap novel yang I suka tu nanti akan I baca berulang-ulang-ulang. Kalau buat movie, director tukar jalan cerita pun I mesti tahu punyalah. I will write about all the books I have read in my book archive (I kept on saying that I would continue to develop my Book Archive, with my personal version of reviews of my favourite books, English and Malay. Tapi masih belum siap-siap juga. Asyiklah tertangguh, because of so many things.)
Yesterday I have identified the books that I wish to buy soon. These include Cafe Tropicana, How To Kill Your Husbands, Every Breath You Take, Ayat-Ayat Cinta and a few more. Oh, and The Innocent by John Grisham. Lalalalalalalala.. I am so happy!
Dah habis urusan di MPH we went down to berbuka puasa. Sempat juga my Mom singgah here and there on our way down. For berbuka puasa, my brother ordered macaroni and cheese, my Mom had Thai Fried Rice, and myself Grilled Mushroom Chicken. For the afters my brother had a slice of cheese cake and my Mom and me shared brownies with ice-cream. Mula-mula dia order banana split, tapi dah lambat sangat tak sampai-sampai so dia cancel saja, takut miss Maghrib prayers pula. Nasib baik pun dia share, kalau tidak I tak dapat habiskan brownies tu. Too sweet, tapi sedap.
Ya, dah balik rumah tu after maghrib I had to drive to City Square again because of something important. My brother and his family was also with me though we went separately, they in their new (ahem).
Just another Monday for me..
wah wah wahhh.. byk nye buku.. best.. i envy u spec dpt rileks2 baca buku cite.. lama dah i x baca buku cite.. the last time was almost 2 months ago.. 3 malay books in one week time.. i forgot the title already, since malay books kan title nye slalu berbunga2 ehehehe.. tp 2 dari nye are by norhayati berahim.. tp betul la u ckp spec.. once we're hooked to a book, it will be so hard to put it down until u reach the last page.. tp the innocent tu i lom baca.. nanti nak kena cari la..
ehehe we share the same preference.. i love secret recipe's grilled mushroom chicken n brownies ice cream.. yummy.. iskk ptg ni nak ajak hubby buka kat secret recipe la.. mkn brownies ice cream n tapau marble cheese cake..
hehe mana ada banyak.. sikit je.. i ni seasonal.. kalau dapat favourite author punya buku itu yang tak bergerak tu.. i pun nak get The Innocent and Every Breath You Take.
haaaaaaaa calit la.. kita nye preference in Secret Recipe sama.. best kan? sedappp.. tapi kadangkala kalau dah terlalu kenyang i cannot finish the brownies.. iskk rugi rugi :)
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