after days of very high fever and after two visits to the clinic.
With IV and all...
On Friday morning, feeling much better and resting
Had a late lunch, was declared fit to be discharged
late Friday afternoon.
For more stories please visit Nayniss' Blog here.
alaaaaaaaaaaa cian nye dia.. sian plak tgk dia layu je terkulai tdo tu.. hope she's feeling much better now.. good that u guys rushed her to the hospital.. at least we can rest assured that she's under professional observation.. just a question spec.. who's her paed in jhr specialist..? anyway muahhhhhhhhhhh nayniss byk2 from auntie strawberry n baby hasif kasik dia cpt baik.. get well soon okay..
alahai.. cair hati akak bila nengok gambar si comel yg tengah tidur tu... gebunya dia... tengah tidur.. tengah demam pun.. kita yg memandang ni nampak cute aje... yg mengarang cerita si comel ni pun pandai buat readers rasa sayu syahdu segala :-)
strawberry sorry for the late reply.. been hooked up with Timothy Dalton (ahem) hehehe...
alhamdulillah she was recovering fast cuma after the demam dia cam tak mau minum susu formula lah.. any idea why, strawb?
her paed.. i am not too sure lah dear.. setau i dia ke johor specialist selalu jumpa doctor yang sambut her birth dulu.. apa ya nama dia.. dr ching ke apa...
paed tak sure.. sebab yang selalu bawa dia either my mom and my SIL or my bro and my SIL... your son, siapa his paed?
thanks so much auntie strawberry and hasif for the wish and for the kisses.. may Allah bless you both always...
kak lily, sorry for late reply..
memang kak masa dia demam tu memang sayu juga.. especially hari dia masuk wad tu.. rasa macam nak meleleh air mata...
thank you so much kak for your wish..
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