I pun tak tau macam mana I boleh ter'sangkut' dengan dia ni. He's Timothy Dalton, my favourite James Bond (007). I think within this month I have watched The Living Daylights at Star Movies for 5 times at the very least. He is my number one James Bond, lepas tu baru Pierce Brosnan. Yang lain semua tak minat. Thing is, Tim Dalton cuma appear twice in James Bond movies. Itulah dianya. Yang kita suka, sekejap saja ada, yang tak suka itu berlambak-lambak.
Yes, I am well aware that dia sekarang dah tua, probably dah tak ada gigi pun. So what? I just like him in Bond movies. Especially in The Living Daylights. "Believe me, my interest in her is purely professional" - this line reminds me of a certain someone. I memang suka sangat Tim in The Living Daylights. Siapa yang dah tengok mesti tahulah. Memanglah Bond is a womaniser, but Timothy Dalton ni, style dia lain sikit. When he's mad at someone, he's mad. Tak kisahlah if it's someone he likes ke apa. Itu yang best. Sarcastic je tak pasal-pasal like someone tu kan. Hahaha. That, I find very challenging.
I do not like my man to agree with me all the time, nor would I like him to, you know, praise me constantly. I am not the kind of woman who needs to be reassured 24/7. See, itulah caranya seseorang itu menjadi 'tidak cerdik' lagi membosankan. And I do not want him to be by my side around the clock. Please, give me time to miss you, heheheh.
See, I bukan minat dia kerana dia handsome. That he is handsome is only secondary. It's his attitude that counts. ATTITUDE COMES FIRST. IF THE ATTITUDE S*CKS, THEN IT IS A BIG TIME LOSS.
Whatever it is.. alahai dia ni bestlah.. siapa belum tengok, I recommend tengoklah The Living Daylights and Licence To Kill.
Sumpahhhh tak cari lainnnn..
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