Notes :
Many special thanks to Miss Shida Aziz of Sweetfrosting for her very precious guidance.
1. To Princess, Wira, Mimi, Strawberry, Nia, Jidan, & Yati ~ kalau I dah terer buat nanti I will bake cuppies with your respective initials on it, I promise.
2. The cake was great.. mega-delicious.. the icing, well first of all we didn't manage to "simen" the cupcake surface..tersalah teknik ke apa.. and the syrup for the icing also tak jadi.. but the icing tasted good.. sebab cake dah manis, so icing tak perlu terlalu manis.
3. The toppings, well this was our first try so tak dapatlah nak come out with designs yang illustrious like those of Sweetfrosting's. Lagipun kita tengok Sweetfrosting punya cuppies just to get some ideas. Those are the work of professionals. Bukan senang nak tekan the tube and decorate. Sudahlah icing tu licin hehe.
4. The photos are supposed to be brighter than that, but the person in charge di photo shop tu tak edit dulu before printing, so tak berapa clear. Those photo are from the phone camera. Sepatutnya gambar cuppies dalam tray tu full shot bukan macam yang dalam gambar tu. Nanti bila kita ada gambar yang lebih elok, baru nampak the cuppies.
5. Silakan menjamah cupcakes, the trial version of Lakeside Cafe.
wahh.. looks appetizing n so scrumptious.. i loves the decorations for the cuppies under the label 'yummy cuppies' tu.. n of course the one with ur signature.. ehehehe nampak sodap.. nanti kalau buat lg dedicate la satu utk i.. ltk i nye intial lak.. ehehehe.. (byg songeh lak dia ni ek)..
tq dear.. boleh saja, nanti i buatkan satu untuk you.. hopefully jadik la.. btw.. where do u live? kalau i nak ajak datang rumah, senang... function ke apa ke...
:) wow, my Jedi Sis dah pandai baking. Tak kiralah cuppies pun tetap baking kan?
Love from me.
allo spec.. lama x baca blog u.. i br blk dr kg.. g pd with family friday smpi ahad.. pastu blk kg jap.. ni br smpi umah.. chk email jap sambil tgu siap sterilize botol susu si kecik tu.. anyway i tgl kt bandar seri alam.. half an hour from jb town.. at least close to office.. tp hubby kena travel la skit nak g keje since he parked his car in kotaraya..
Princess Dearest,
the baking was my sister-in-law's doing.. dia yang terer.. i ni cuma belajar dan tolong saja..
like yourself, i am more to lauk-pauk.. especially the one i learn from your keraton ! *wink*
wah ada weekend family getaway ye.. baguslah take a break after being so busy.. how was hasif at the beach? suka tak? did u let him be in the water?
seri alam, ya.. selalulah pergi Tesco ni.. I've never been to the JB tescos yet.. hmmm these days nak pergi jugalah..
yalah seri alam is closer to PG.. kalau ur hubby nak ke kotaraya.. if he is early should be okay.. what is his profession and what's yours?
hey gimme contact number.. senang nak call kalau nak invite for anything... if you dont mind, that is..
at least once a year seluruh family akan berkumpul.. selalu tpt yg dkt2 la since my father x larat sgt dah.. though he always insist to drive on his own.. n the nearest place to my hometown pd je la.. ehehe jadik la kan.. as long as we all can be together.. hasif x mandi laut pun.. kecik sgt lak lg i rasa.. eheh.. he slept whole day long kt tepi beach tu.. syok agaknye sejuk angin laut..
yup.. tesco is actually at the back of my house.. ermmmmm i mean not really kt blkg rumah la.. just a figure of speech.. tp dkt sgt la.. less than 5 mins drive.. i mmg slalu pegi sana for grocery.. nanti u try la pegi.. tp nothing special actually..
my husband is a process engineer.. i pun engineer.. my hubby is actually 3 years older than me.. tp hubby keje dkt je dgn causeway.. so pagi2 we normally leaves the house around 7.. n he normally can make it to the office by 8 am.. unless there's an accident la on the road.. or else jam banget mmg x smpt la..
sure.. nanti i kasik my hp no thru email eh..
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