Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mission : Impossible

Wave Dalton, your mission, should you choose to accept it, will include the following :

Assigned :

1. Breakfast.

(as per instruction)

2. Lunch

1/2 (half of your palm, NOT plate) rice, veggie, chicken/fish and tofu
2000 ml warm water

3. Tea-time

(as per instruction)

4. Dinner

1/4 (a quarter of, again, your palm, NOT plate), veggie, soup, tofu, fish. NOT MEAT.
500 ml of warm water, maximum.

Notes :

1. That's it, man! I think I'm finished. Totally finished.

2. 500 ml of warm water maximum at night? MANA CUKUP!

3. I deliberately did not list down the whole instruction here, for safety reasons. If, by accident, any of my parents 'found' this blog, then he or she would not possess the whole information of my so-called assignment. Hence, tak boleh suka-suka nak 'tutor' aku.

4. Darn I forgot to ask, whether or not sleeping from 9pm till 6 or 7 am will increase my weight. The best way to prevent one's self from eating or drinking is to sleep hehehehe.


Anonymous said...

hey spec.. lama i x masuk sini.. i was not available the whole week last week n earlier this week.. how's life been treating u lately..? hope everything's good..

anyway sape yg kasik u this kind of instruction spec..? ur new diet regime ke..? adoiii skit nye la nasik tu.. half palm..? kalau i harus la 5 x half palm br kenyang.. dah bape lama u tried it..? hope tht it works.. if it works, i'm definitely gonna try also ehehe.. i gained almost 2kg after my absence last week adoiiii.. hope tht it's not permanent.. but spec 2 ltr of warm water during lunch time.. x kembung ke nanti ehehe.. anyway good luck girl..

Sultana said...

Ni 3 days diet program ker? I suggest kurang makan starchy food. Yg high carb tu.. cam potato, nasi, anything with sugar. Pasal carb yg tak dibakar jadi energy dia jadi lemak. Ni atkins punya theory sikit lah. Tp serious, masa anak dara dulu 57-56 kg gitu ada time lagi berat dari tu... hu hu hu makan banyak nasi. Sekarang dalam 53-54 kg.

spectacularwave said...

elo strawb, outstation ya? no wonder your blog pun senyap je.. life's great.. hope yours pun sama.

hehehe.. instruction ni part of a program i am following. but they say people don't quit smoking overnite, rite? so.. heehhehehe.. well, i ikut kot.. but belum 100% ikut. hehehehe

tu la.. dia tulis half tu dah okay.. but halm PALM, NOT PLATE tu yang buat rosak. nasib baik palm i besar hehehehe.

oh, strawb, i baru je BERNIAT nak try.. no choice, kena ikut gak la. So far okay la, walaupun tak strictly. Ala u nak try, apa salahnya but you dah slim!

2 kg tu sikit je strawb, within a week boleh get rid of.

hehehe 2 liter lunchtime onwards tau. but can it last until nightime? malam half a liter je.. tu yang buat aku nak tidur dari kul 9 sampai pagi! :D

spectacularwave said...

not really 3 days, sultana. more like the beginning of an even more crazy diet plan. Yes I will definitely follow as you suggested. Starchy food tu yang jahat kan.

Hey, u ada ikut Atkins ya? I pernah study South Beach, tapi buatnya tidak. I mean I cuba-cuba tengok plan dia.

And I seriously envy your weight tau! I am trying to achieve that range of weight la. May I know your height range?

Sultana said...

ikut tu tak lah 100%. First day buat induction phase, lutut dah menggigil pasal crave something sweet or starchy. Kurang makan nasi je. More meat.

saya 163 cm. Not so tall tp with that weight it's normal range.

spectacularwave said...

i see.. memanglah kalau starting takleh push too hard... that's what i'm trying to do now.

jadi height kita range lebih kurang le sultana.. cuma weight range kita je jauh beza.. macam langit ketujuh ngan lapisan kerak bumi ehehehehe...