Thursday, October 11, 2007

My 007

Alright, I mengaku I ada jealous sikit tengok the above photo - Tim Dalton, his wife and their son. Tapi sikit saja la. And yes, even until now I have to admit he is still handsome. Been watching an interview with him on his latest movie, Hot Fuzz. Must go and get the DVD.

Anyway, one thing for sure, I cannot be his Bond Girl. Why? Yalah, nanti it will confuse people and will make him looks bad. People will say eh, kenapa Bond Girl lagi terer daripada Bond? Siapa yang jadi hero sebenarnya?

My favourite lines :

- "Whoever she was, I must have scared the living daylights out of her"

- "It is always nice to be missed"

- [struggling with Kara's cello] James Bond " Why didn't you learn the violin? "

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