Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Dendam Kesumat II

was driving to Larkin earlier tonight.. on my way out.. tak jauh daripada rumah, masa nak turun bukit, I realised a little belatedly ada headlights coming..

la la la la bila dah dekat... guess who? sudahlah masa tu i was driving tengah jalan..u know the road in front of my house is normally lengang at that time.. so bermaharajalelalah sekejap...

yes.. it's him alright.. Dendam Kesumat.. balik masjid, no doubt.. but he was driving his Merce, not the usual car he drives kalau pergi tempat dekat-dekat ni... that's the second time I saw him this week.. mesti dia dah mark I punya.. dangerous driver..

alahai I pray seriously janganlah ditakdirkan ada 'anything' with him.. selisih! the condition is sooo not right.. like i said earlier.. the datin is close to me and my Mom.. and he sits in the same Board with my Dad at this one company.. he plays golf with my Dad too...

i have been rejecting the signs.. there's been so many before this.. yeah I know and noticed him since I was 16...... so please go away.. please.... pleaseee....

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