Thursday, May 08, 2008


I wanna say that I am most thankful for everything that has been granted.. esp when my prayers are answered. Praise be to Allah.

Dan rasanya, that is a strong statement. Paham kot.. tak kisahlah betul ke tak, yang penting kita ni ada vision sendiri. Janji tak kacau sesiapa sudahlah... I could say I am happy and content and thankful for what I have now. For being with my family, for having a wonderful niece, dan segala macam benda yang I am thankful for. Memanglah there are times the path was not that easy, but hey, that's life. And I am still thankful.

Oh, and I am most thankful for Kimi, who would be racing in Turkey this Sunday *wink*.

So, if you ask me, my answer would be, yes, I am thankful. Okay?

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