Tuesday, May 06, 2008

90 % : Signed, Sealed, Delivered.

It's not that I do not want to write anything. I am just physically and mentally exhausted.

Yeah I think 90% of my job - as Director of Communication and Invitation - for the wedding, has been completed. 90% of the original list has been signed, sealed and delivered. Now am waiting if Mom or Dad has any additionals. Cut-off date was May 1. Tapi sebab bos-bos besar banyak agenda so, slightly delayed. Sebab there were days yang diaorang kena oustation to deliver the invites.

Kalau dah habis ni, boleh lah beralih ke kerja-kerja lain pulak.
Uh-oh! Sendiri punya list of invites belum siap!! Oklah, nak gi buat ni.. see you real soon!


Anonymous said...

eheheh hamboiiiiiiiiiiiii bz nye bunyik cik kak ni.. x pe nanti bila ur turn nanti leh pass kat depa lak tlg jadik Director of Comm.. eheh..

oo anyway i dah buat dah cam yg u suruh dlm email tu..

spectacularwave said...

hehehehehe... sedikit-sedikit la.. diving midwife la.. hai time i lak entah bila... rasanya buat biasa2 je kot.. dah tua wakakakakak..

tq for the reply, strawb.. thanks so much.. tungguuuuuu.. hehehehe