Monday, April 14, 2008

Not Just One Sunbear...

Let's journey back to my post quite recently, about that poor little sunbear in Miri.....

Then, read this, which I quoted from The Star Online, Saturday April 12, 2008

Proof missing at Miri farm

Huge spread: An aerial view taken recently of the 162ha farm that is surrounded by forests and a hill in Miri where an endangered sun bear died.

MIRI: The private farm in Miri, where a sun bear died after prolonged incarceration in a small cage, appears to have destroyed all evidence that it had illegally kept endangered animals.

It is also learnt that the huge farm at Jalan Bakam along the Miri-Bintulu Second Coastal Highway had more than one sun bear, and many monkeys, gibbons and wild goats.

But when enforcement officers from the Sarawak Asset Protection Unit (Sapu) went to the farm yesterday, they found they were six months too late in acting on the many complaints filed by expatriates against cruelty to the sun bear.

Huge spread: An aerial view taken recently of the 162ha farm that is surrounded by forests and a hill in Miri where an endangered sun bear died.

These complaints, filed since August, had been forwarded in oral and written form to the Miri Wildlife Department, Sarawak Forestry and the Miri City Council.

The officers saw some torn-down shacks that could have housed some of these animals but no trace of the bears were found in the 162ha farm that encompassed forests and a hill.

Sapu enforcement chief for Miri Division, Rudolf Gerang, admitted that yesterday’s operation drew a complete blank.

“The place is huge. We had a look around but cannot find any animal. The workers said they do not know anything. We are now trying to find out who is directly in charge of this place,” he said.

Sapu is a unit under the direct supervision of Sarawak Forestry. So is the Wildlife Department.
He had no satisfactory answer as to why the sun bear had not been rescued, except to say that investigations have been re-opened.

While these enforcement officers scratch their heads, The Star received new e-mails yesterday from visitors to the farm who said they saw at least two caged sun bears and that both were now gone.

Another visitor said he was disturbed to find endangered creatures kept in tiny cages in a farm with so much forest and land.

“It was sheer cruelty,” he said.

Readers have also expressed disgust and vowed to never visit the farm again.

1 comment:

Tweet said...

It is heartbreaking that the sunbear (i saw only one last year 2007)in captivity at Sun Hoop farm outside Miri is reported to have died.

The Malayan sunbear is endangered and should be protected by the Malaysian Authorities.

Reporter Stephen Then did a tremendous job in exposing the cruelty that was happening on this farm.

After seeing the bear being kept in appalling conditions, a cramped cage and without water I brought it to the attention of international animal protection organisations.

One of these based in Australia had already had reports of the bear and tld me all efforts to get it away from the farm had been blocked.

Cruelty like this is inexcusable and demands that those responsible should be heavily fined and if possible educated about the need to protect their environment and its endangered flora and fauna.

Tweet Gainsborough-Waring