Didn't I promise to take photos of the Istana Garden and share it with you? Well, yesterday and today, I went for brisk-walking there. Three rounds for 30 minutes each day, as per my consultant's recommendation.
The Istana, or palace, as seen from the Garden (back shot)
this is part of the palace...
this is where I start to brisk-walk.... ignore everybody in these photos, because i came here alone. they are total strangers to me. got that? i don't know anyone, so if you see anyone you like, do NOT ask me. okay? *wink*
there's a pond there.. don't really know what it's for in the old times, but i will find out. And if you're wondering what's inside, go, dive and see for yourself. and DO NOT tell me about it.
this is actually the top of steps .....
leading towards what looks like a place to hang out with friends.. well do you notice the benches?
Anyway, I wouldn't really want to 'hang out' there, alone or with friends. I just wanna brisk-walk.
great for shooting horror and mystical movies, ain't it?
Our friend from the Middle East. Yeah, in actual fact, the Istana Garden is adjacent to the Johor Zoo, and is only separated by that fence - yes, the one in the photo above. Which is why I could secretly take this photo.
the thing I love so much about Istana Garden is that it is so green and refreshing... just how many shades of green can you see in the above photos? It is so lovely and beautiful..
i took this photo from the top of the hill. the big building is the Tabung Haji Building, and on the right is the famous Sultan Ibrahim building - where most of the state government offices are situated at. In the not so distant future they will all move to Nusajaya to the Johor State New Administrative Centre (JSNAC). This is part of the Iskandar Development Region plan.
and this is where the shooting for my Salem High Country 2008 will take place..
this steps lead to a beautiful garden down there.. lots of newlyweds come here to take photos in their wedding attires..
i'll save your time - these are NOT lavenders
you know, this pond used to be full of tortoises.... so many.. but now there are only japanese carps or koi....
so many people with their families came to Istana Garden...
yeah, that's what used to be the JB Waterfront City building.. and the name of the road in front of it is the Jalan Skudai..
that green and brown building is the Customs and Immigration Complex, and the rest of the buildings - well it's Singapore!
it's getting darker now..
I'll tell you what time it is - time to go home!
oh my... this place is full of memories. Masa first time jumpa hubby, gi melawat istana ni... anak jati johor bayar singgit je tak silap kan? org luar negara kena sampai 5 ke 7 usd.hu hu hu
wah, you guys are so romantic! kalau mula-mula kenal and visit this istana memanglah memorable jadinya.. masa dulu kalau masuk memang anak Johor bayar singgit je... skang tak sure masih sama atau tak.. mungkin dah lain agaknya.
wowwiee!!!amazing pictures... ;)
xiexie ni, wo de meimei.. ala kalau awak amik lagi la superbbb.. kita amik sambil menapak (brisk-walk).
waaaa beautiful garden.. u r so lucky.. kalau dkt ngan my house sng la nak pegi.. tp kalau view menarik lg rs semangat nak brisk walking kan spec.. but too far la kalau i nak pegi daily after office.. by the time smpi sana dah gelap lak kang ehehe.. but i really need to start exercise la spec.. the other day i started taking the stairs to my office instead of elevator, my office on level 3.. half way through dah rasa mcm nak meninggal.. punye la x fit.. eheheeh..
ehh btw u dah penah pegi lom zoo kt jb tu..? best x..? tgk camel tu mcm comel je eheh.. kalau best leh bwk hasif gi sana..
yala, kalau diaorang maintain lebih lagi sikit lagilah cantik i rasa the Istana Garden. But I love the greeneries, sejuk je pandang.
ala dekat your place mesti ada garden juga kan.. entah-entah lebih dekat to your place. Istana Garden ni jenuh gak nak pergi from my house as I have to drive pass the mighty Jalan Skudai.
wah, naik tangga instead of elevator eh? bagusnya, lagilah cantik shape.. macam i ni tak payah sebut shaping la.. hehehe.. jauh lagi.
i dah penah pegi zoo lama dulu, not recently. ada juga plan nak bawa my niece, and a few days ago my Dad ada sebut juga.
you should bring your son there.. i dengar diaorang kata sekarang dah best dah zoo tu. tapi i pun ada dengar singapore ada nightime zoo, boleh view waktu malam. u penah dengar tak strawb? macam adventurous je kan? i've never been to one, so teringin sangat nak try.
wah..cantik glerw istana niyh...
very interesting, thanks
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