Friday, December 14, 2007

Another trip to Festive...

Said I will be back last night. But I didn't. Cannot open my eyes.
Wednesday evening, Anis, Yati and myself went out to Festive. I konon nak beli something for my dinner. It's not that we don't have home-cooked meals, we do have that everyday. Tapi biasalah, mengada hehehehe. But Yati did not buy anything as she has some dinner plans that night..

We ended up buying something else too. While waiting for my Nasi Goreng Kampung, kita jalan-jalan from one shop to another. Kemudiannya beli blouse at one of the boutiques. Mine was a simple black one, memang nak cari yang macam tu. Hers was beautiful, ala-ala Laura Ashley gitu.

At that time, our parents and my two siblings were on their way back from KL.
Hai si Anis dia dah ingat sangat selok-belok Festive tu. On our last visit I took her to one of the crafts sho while waiting for her Ma, kemudian kali ini dia pula ajak Mama dia pergi kedai tu nak tengok pang pang pang (kompang). And she's only 1 year plus..... semua benda dia ingat.

Seronok bila keluar macam ni.. relax aje...


Anonymous said...

a'ak..ada la org tu kan..konon2 nye xmo turun..but then siap shopping lg..ehehehehe ;p...iye la..amazing come dia leh ingat kt mana kedai kompang tu..that's our Adorable Anis Farissa...

spectacularwave said...

nayniss memang amazing.. apa kata orang, photographic memories..

kepada orang ittew, mueeheheheh tula lengkali jgn sumbung meh.. *winkie*