Thursday, December 06, 2007


My longtime best friend called me tonight, and we had a lengthy chat. One of her latest updates being that she just went to a job interview with some "state-owned corporation". On the application form, when required to write down father's name, she simply wrote her father's name without any accompanying title. But unfortunately for her, apparently one of the interviewers did know her father well.

If you were to be in her place, what would you say when asked "Kenapa you tak letak Dato' dekat nama father you?"

A. Saja aje.
B. Lupa.
C. Tak apelah (while giggling like an idiot)
D. Rasanya tak perlulah.

Well, if I were to be in that situation, I guess my answer would be :

E. Itu bukannya nama dia.

Betul, kan? Dah kalau dia kata father's name, then it is presumably father's name as in NRIC lah kan? Or birth cert for that matter. Itulah dia kalau state-owned corporation, always care about these petty-petty irrelevant things... Alaaaahaiii.. ...


Anonymous said...

betol tu mmg leceh..suma tgk tittle...kalo org biasa die bat urusan kite lmbat2...cuba buh tittle..fulamak...laju....hehe..

sori,nk tanya ni...boley x?
if u dont mind can u teach me how to check who googling our name?

spectacularwave said...

itulah dianya.. sickening kan? where got bersih cekap amanah like that?

about how to check who goggling our name, I do that using Statcounter services.

once u install dalam your blog, dia akan detect automatically how people got to arrive at your site, so kalau dia google your name pun you boleh tahu.

that's one way to know, the rest I tak pasti lah Jidan. haaa ada blog baru ya.. tak jemput kita datang ke ? ;)