Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Job Interview

I went for a job interview on Monday. At a QS firm. It went quite well. Tapi interviewer taklah buat forensic analysis on my accounting skills. I did make some preparations - from accounting entries, adjusting entries and to the preparation of financial statements. Thank God banyak yang masih ingat walaupun dah lama tak practise (since 2002).

About the interviewer - yeah he looked like a younger version of Jackie Chan. Boleh plak time tu teringat citer Shanghai Noon (recently ada tengok lagi kat HBO), and it was really hard to keep a straight face during the interview. Asyik terbayang, cemanalah kalau aku kata "Howdy, partner?" stail koboi macam dalam citer tu hehehehe..

In the beginning, facial expression dia memang serious. Kira kecut gak la aku tengok muka interviewer tu. Sentap! Dah boleh agak, dia ni jenis professional and direct to the point. "Please sit down" dia cakap. Takde senyum-senyum bagai (jahanam betul.)

Lepas tu, I buat seperti biasalah - tidaklah I nampak takut atau cuak tapi taklah macam over-confident. As the interview progressed, dia makin lama makin friendly. At one point, dia tanya " Are you single or married?" Dengan muka innocent kancil aku jawab "Not married, single" Then he said "Boyfriend?" Laju je aku jawab "Not here, overseas". "Any plan to get married soon?" Aku kata "I really don't know, Sir". Mungkin selalu kena kerja long hours agaknya, sebab itu dia tanya.

I really like that firm punya style. It's totally professional and nampak sangat diaorang semua serious and job-oriented. I mean, dead serious. Interviewer siap kata, in the event of our QSs needing help in technical work, are you willing to learn and assist? I kata la, yes I am, no problem at all. I like to learn new things. Hahahahaha.. yang sebenarnya I memang suka buat benda yang tak ada bersangkut-paut dengan diri I ni i.e. not in my field of training. Kata orang tua-tua sepatah, kalau yang bukan-bukan tu cepat aje dapat.

Kemudian interviewer explain lah tentang firm dia tu.. and after he was finished dia tanya if I have questions about the firm. Lastly dia kata perlu notice ke sebelum mula kerja.. I said I don't need to serve notice but I hope to be given one week before starting my job. Dia kata no problem, sebab mula pun January 2nd. (Masalahnya tuan-tuan sebelum tu dia kata by next week baru tau results dapat ke tak, so I taklah consider yang I dapat).

Sebelum keluar tu, sempat la dia cerita, yang paling penting sekali is not qualification in hiring a candidate. But ATTITUDE. Which is exactly like what Jedi Knight told me. "Attitude comes first. If the attitude sucks, then it will be a big time loss". And I am in complete agreement with that. 100%.

Note : On the way back, seperti biasa hujan mencurah-curah turun. Sempat lagi singgah Bumbu nak beli Laksam sebab tengok Yati makan sangat sedap, dan dah cukai sikit pun. Tapi petang tu Laksam dah habis, hanya tinggal Laksa Johor. Tapi beli je, sebab dah terlalu lapar. Hujan katakan! Apa Bumbu? Nantilah kita citer kemudian... err tapi esok pagi rasanya nak beli Meehoon Goreng kat Bumbu. Nampak macam sedap...


Anonymous said...

spec.. good luck 4 the interview.. may the lucky star shines brightly upon u.. Aminnnn.. ehehe lama dah i x pegi interview.. not sure whether i can still stand the nerves-wrecking-moment.. the interview itself slalu nye ok.. but the tension is thick from the moment u learn tht u'll be having an interview until u sit down in front of the interviewer.. once u open ur mouth for talking slalu nye nervous tu dah ilang.. ehehehe in my case la.. u ni x senonoh la.. siap igt cite shanghai noon tu yg x thn tu :P nsb baik u x tersengih2 dpn si jackie chan jr tu psl dok terbayang movie tu ehehe..

anyway what's Bumbu spec..? is tht an eatery..? ehh btw u know any good smorgasbord in jb..? rasa cam nak mkn byk lak this weekend ehehe..

anyway slmt hari raya haji.. jgn lupa amek gamba byk2 k..

spectacularwave said...

tq strawb, tq so much for the wish.. i need the luck.. i ni memang freak-out bab interview ni.. muka je cam laksamana ehehehe..

woi best apa shanghai noon hehehe..betul u muka dia cam jackie chan.. serious..maybe someday i will show u..

Bumbu.. kedai makan kat jalan kolam air belakang ni.. sedap sey.. oh arini aku miss beli meehoon goreng.. japgi nak gi usya sat..

what's smorgasbord? care to tell me?

selamat hari raya haji to you too.. gambar family i bolehlah.. gambar i takde la.. as usual. u update la blog.. dah lama tak baca entry baru..

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooooo mmg nama kedai tu Bumbu la eh..? oo ok maybe one sweet day leh la g usya eheh.. smorgasbord tu buffet.. ehehe i suka g buffet psl i ni mmg suka mkn.. so mmg berbaloi la kalau pegi.. but lately da lama x pegi (semenjak waist line dah sama mcm hip line ni eheh)..

oo ha ah kan.. blog hasif masih mengekal kan konsep sawang dgn jaya nye psl mama dia pemalas n x pandai manage masa n slalu komplen kata x sempat.. nanti i update.. byk x tulis for our own record gak.. lately engross ngan buku cite je lak.. tgh baca P/S I Love U skang.. buku tu dah lama published.. taun 2004 dah kuar tp i br ada opportunity nak beli (ye la tu br ada opportunity.. 2004 smpi 2007 x kan x de masa gak nak beli eheheh).. penah baca x spec buku tu..? very good book tp sedih la.. i baca 2 pages berenti jap nangis.. baca lagi 2 pages nangis blk.. suara pun jd serak2 katak nak dodoi hasif psl i smbil baca smbil buai hasif sambil nangis n smbil nyanyi kan hasif lagu dodoi ehehe..

spectacularwave said...

bumbu something nama dia..menda tah.. nama pelik.. ala i rasa deret dan jalan tu kedai dia sorang je ada word bumbu.. senang cari. ahahahha kantoi aku tatau apa tu smorgasbord...

update la kalau free, lama tak baca entry baru.. cess konsep sawang ehehehe...

PS I love u to dah lama aim nak baca tak baca-baca gaks.. wei citer la sket napa sedih.. cam best je..citer la..

Anonymous said...

eheh best spec buku tu.. i suka la.. pompuan ni bercenta sakan ngan laki ni smpi la diorg kawen.. then the hubby tetiba di diagnosed brain cancer lak.. but b4 he passed away, dia dah prepare monthly list for the wife on how to carry her life without him.. the plot is somewhat transparent but the way the author writes tu yg jadik best.. klakar gak eheh..

spectacularwave said...

strawb, the book sounds great... eh is this the one yang movie dia baru ada tu? P.S. I Love You?