Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Why Oh Why?
"Alamak boring betul.. husband aku out-station lah..."
"Aku tak boleh la kalau husband aku tak ada... rasa lain macam..tak ada mood langsung"
"I just can't bear being apart from him"
and so on...
And I thought...God! What's wrong with you girls? If I were you (given that I know what kind of men their husbands are), I would run around my house.. carrying Malaysian and Johor Flag in each hand!!
No, don't get me wrong alright.. I loveeee my husband to distraction (whoever that person may be) but I sure know how to appreciate and value my FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I know that he needs some space of his own...
Be mindful girls.. people do need some space... oh yes.. when I asked her, "Tak rimas ke sticking to your husband 24/7?" she proudly said.. "Tak, aku tak kisah langsung." And I said.. "yeah well maybe, he does!!"
Ladies, ladies.. come on....surely you don't wanna be a 'nagging wife', do you?
Monday, January 29, 2007
God Help Me..
Saturday, January 27, 2007
My Honey Bunny

Bubu, The Rabbit - My Honey Bunny
Don't You Think He's Cool?
A Valentines Day Meme Published by the-reflector 11 months, 2 weeks ago in Meme.
Stolen from Dee
1. What did you do for the last Valentine’s?
Worked like all night through the morning because of an Emergency at work.
2. What are you planning to do for the next Valentine’s (tomorrow/tonight)?
Gonna watch Love Actually on Star Movies.
3. What would be the ideal place to celebrate Valentine’s?
Cooking dinner for the One you Love, sitting on the couch and watching a romantic movie.
4. What qualities in a person would make an ideal Valentine’s date for you?
Somebody who loves me for me.
5. What gifts would you buy/have bought for your partner?
I have bought Pendants, Neckless and bracelets.
6. What gifts have you received/would like to receive from your partner?
Still waiting on my first Valentines Day Gift.
7. What’s your all-time favourite romantic movie?
Out of Africa.
8. If you could choose any person on earth to be your date on Valentine’s, who would it be?
I know who, but am Not telling.
9. Tag the following people (up to your discretion) - in alphabetical order…
Whoever you are and whoever’s reading this blog right now. Basically, you!
Note : Dear Nick, forgive me for stealing this. But hey, I think you are COOL. I really do.
Friday, January 26, 2007
I Have Nothing
by Whitney Houston
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Dasar-Dasar Kerajaan Malaysia

Note: WHY would I want to read all this? Right! There IS a reason.. maybe.. well just maybe.... I will tell you later.. sob.. sob! This is just one part of a whole load!!!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
What Should I Say And Do?
Okay.. just now at the mosque..after Isya' there was a bit of jamuan..I was introduced to a friend of my Mom.. now, she was surprised to learn that I am the daughter of my Mom (why? only Allah knows) probably because it's been so long since I last accompanied my Mom to anywhere. Then she stared at me for a long time, and said.. "tak sangka ada anak besar.." it's quite a while.. and all I did was smile at her (and I felt stupid).. what should I say in this sort of circumstances? Please help me.
Number Two. When we ate, it was makan bersila dalam dulang.. something not strange to me... for I am used to this since very little.. dah biasa ikut my grandma to majlis Malulidurrasul, and all. Thing is.. this time, the lauk and nasi tomato masih ada yang tinggal.. banyak juga.. my Mom and me sudah kenyang.. auntie yang 2 orang tu sudah pulang.. takkan kita pula nak ambil and bungkus bawa pulang.. nobody did that.. I mean.. boleh kalau I nak buat.. but looks like nobody does that.. not that I am so hungry but.. daripada terbuang...ada yang boleh makan at home.. it really bothered me, alright.. it was different when I was still in the university.. makan di dalam dulang Insya Allah akan dihabiskan licin oleh the students.. kerana yang akhir itulah yang ada berkatnya.. what do you think I should do in this situation?
Have A Great Year Ahead
MUHARAM adalah bulan pertama dalam tahun Islam (Hijrah). Sebelum Rasulullah berhijrah dari Makkah ke Yathrib, kiraan bulan dibuat mengikut tahun Masihi. Hijrah Rasulullah memberi kesan besar kepada Islam sama ada dari sudut dakwah Rasulullah, ukhuwwah dan syiar Islam itu sendiri.
Pada asasnya, Muharam membawa maksud 'diharamkan' atau 'dipantang', iaitu Allah SWT melarang melakukan peperangan atau pertumpahan darah. Namun demikian larangan ini ditamatkan setelah pembukaan Makkah (Al Baqarah: 91). Sejak pemansuhan itu, umat Islam boleh melaksanakan tugas dan ibadat harian tanpa terikat lagi dengan larangan berkenaan.
Doa akhir tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah. Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, syaitan berkata: "Kesusahan bagiku dan sia-sialah pekerjaanku menggoda anak Adam pada setahun ini dan Allah binasakan aku satu saat jua. Dengan sebab membaca doa ini, Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun."
Peristiwa-peristiwa penting:
1 Muharam - Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab mula membuat penetapan kiraan bulan dalam Hijrah.
10 Muharam - Dinamakan juga hari 'Asyura'. Pada hari itu banyak terjadi peristiwa penting yang mencerminkan kegemilangan bagi perjuangan yang gigih dan tabah bagi menegakkan keadilah dan kebenaran.
Pada 10 Muharam juga telah berlaku:
Nabi Adam bertaubat kepada Allah.
Nabi Idris diangkat oleh Allah ke langit.
Nabi Nuh diselamatkan Allah keluar dari perahunya sesudah bumi ditenggelamkan selama enam bulan.
Nabi Ibrahim diselamatkan Allah dari pembakaran Raja Namrud.
Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa.
Nabi Yusuf dibebaskan dari penjara.
Penglihatan Nabi Yaakob yang kabur dipulihkkan Allah.
Nabi Ayub dipulihkan Allah dari penyakit kulit yang dideritainya.
Nabi Yunus selamat keluar dari perut ikan paus setelah berada di dalamnya selama 40 hari 40 malam.
Laut Merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya dari tentera Firaun.
Kesalahan Nabi Daud diampuni Allah.
Nabi Sulaiman dikurniakan Allah kerajaan yang besar.
Hari pertama Allah menciptakan alam.
Hari Pertama Allah menurunkan rahmat.
Hari pertama Allah menurunkan hujan.
Allah menjadikan 'Arasy.
Allah menjadikan Luh Mahfuz.
Allah menjadikan alam.
Allah menjadikan Malaikat Jibril.
Nabi Isa diangkat ke langit.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Travelling Differently
Travelling Differently
I realized very early on that, for me, travelling was the best way of learning. I still have a pilgrim soul, and I thought that I would pass on some of the lessons I have learned, in the hope that they might prove useful to other pilgrims like me.
1. Avoid museums.
This might seem to be absurd advice, but let's just think about it a little. If you are in a foreign city, isn't it far more interesting to go in search of the present than the past? It's just that people feel obliged to go to museums because they learned as children that travelling was about seeking out that kind of culture. Obviously, museums are important, but they require time and objectivity - you need to know what you want to see there, otherwise you will leave with a sense of having seen a few eally fundamental things, but can't remeber what they were.
2. Hang out in bars.
Bars are the places where life in the city reveals itself, not in museums. By bars I don't mean discotheques, but the places where ordinary people go, have a drink, ponder the weather, and are always ready for a chat. Buy a newspaper and enjoy the ebb and flow of people. If someone strikes up a convertaion however silly, join in: you cannot judge the beauty of a particular path just by looking at the gate.
3. Be open.
The best tour guide is someone who lives in the place, knows everything about it, is proud of his or her city, but does not work for any agency. Go out into the street, choose the person you want to talk to, and ask them something (Where is the cathedral? Where is the post office?). If nothing comes of it, try someone else - I guarantee that by the end of the day you will have found yourself an excellent companion.
4. Try to travel alone or - if you are married - with your spouse.
It will be harder work, no one will be there taking care of you, but only in this way can you truly leave your own country behind. Travelling with a group is a way of being in a foreign country while speaking your motehr tongue, doing whatever the leader of the flock tells you to do, and taking more interest in group gossip than in the place you are visiting.
5. Don't compare.
Don't compare anything - prices, standards of hygiene, quality of life, means of transport, nothing! You are not travelling in order to prove that you have a better life than other people. Your aim is to find out how other people live, what they can teach you, how they deal with reality and with the extraordinary.
6. Understand that everone understands you.
Even if you don't speak the language, don't be afraid. I've been in lots of places where I could not communicate with words at all, and I always found support, guidance, useful advice, and even girlfriends. Some people think that if they travel alone, they will set off down the street and be lost for ever. Just make sure you have the hotel card in your pocket and - if the worst comes to the worst - flag down a taxi and show the card to the driver.
7. Don't buy too much.
Spend your money on things you won't need to carry: tickets to a good pla, restaurants, trips. Nowadays, with the global economy and the internet, you can buy anything you want without having to pay excess baggage.
8. Don't try to see the world in a month.
It is far better to stay in a city for four or five days than to visit five cities in a week. A city is like a capricious woman: she takes time to be seduced and to reveal herself completely.
9. A journey is an adventure.
Henry Miller used to say that it is far more important to discover a church that no one else has ever heard of than to go to ROme and feel obliged to visit the Sistine Chapel with two hundred thousand other tourists bellowing in your ear. By all means go to the Sistine Chapel, but wander the streets too, explore alleyways, experience the freedom of looking for something - quite what you don't know, but which, if you find it, will, you can be sure, change your life.
Note: Paulo Coelho is the recipient of numerous prestigious international awards, including the Crystal Award by the World Economic Forum. He is a writer to inspire nations.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
As I wrote my lunch menu post, I ran downstairs to check on my cats.. it was then that i noticed he was missing. WHERE IS MY BLOSSOM?
I asked everyone whether or not anyone had accidentally terlanggar Blossom. Negative. I took my car out and cruise along the jalan.. negative.
Where is he???????????????????????????? Allah help me..
Next to my house is an empty house.. earlier today I saw the cleaning lady came and cleaned the garden. I didn't feel good when I saw her, for she didn't look like kind-hearted cleaning lady. She looked arrogant, not likeable. Could it be she took my kitten back home? I know tak baik berburuk sangka and judge people by their expression or anything.. but I don't feel good.
I was crying earlier this evening as I went to search for him.. no.. not again... paling sedih when I teringat our moments together. Blossom stayed in with me most of the time.. I fear for his safety as he was still too little to be let loose outside. See.. lepaskan dia untuk 2 hari now dah hilang.. I am so reckless and took him for granted.
God.. I just can't take this.. the way Blossom slept on my lap as I was watching dvd.. he slept next to me at night.. he waited for me outside the bathroom door.. the way he stayed so close to me whenever I got back from outside...I guess he thought I am his second Mom..
The only little consolation is that I saw Bochee walking to next-door masa I tengah sibuk mencari Blossom.. HOPEFULLY Blossom ikut Bochee berjalan-jalan and stranded safely somewhere because of the rain.. Ya Allah selamatkanlah Blossom..
Ya Allah, selamatkan Blossom.. andai dia sesat, tunjukkan jalan pulang Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, andai ada sesiapa melanggar dan tidak berlaku jujur, tunjukkanlah Ya Allah dan adililah sewajarnya. Andai ada sesiapa mengambil tanpa izin, gerakkanlah hatinya untuk memulangkan kembali dengan selamat Ya Allah.. ampunilah aku Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.. kembalikanlah Blossom.
Amin, Ya Rabbal Alamin...
Today's Lunch Menu
The rest of the menu.. is the work of my Mom.. I'm considering trying the Bawal Sweet & Sour.. but when, huh? My grandma's Bawal masak Tomato is also my fav. Yes, I only eat fish this way... (I don't really like fish)...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Not This Time..
And how hard is it for people to acknowledge that they are indeed 'kasar'?
And how can a person admit that he or she is indeed an unfair person?
for now, I believe the answer is negative. and I have been the victim of these people. all my life. yeah, like someone used to say I am stuck in the wrong circle.
see, I have nowhere to turn to, absolutely nowhere. some of you may know what I mean when I say nowhere.
but I decide, I am being put through this because maybe Allah wants me to be a tougher person.
it's not easy to hold back tears.. and I am not the person who could easily cry.. just now I was really at the point of crying, but I blinked back my tears.. I did it, i tried hardly..
because... I have decided that my tears are only for those who are worth of my attention. to cry because of the pain caused by those who have no feelings, no sensitivity, no brain.. is totally worthless...
not this time, no, I don't cry.. and this is how I should be... hell, I didn't even cry when he left me, why should I cry for those fools. but please, when I am leaving, please don't say you love me, don't say I am part of you, don't say anything. I fear I might throw up right to your face. Save me from that, please.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Presenting... BUTTERCUP!
Her coloring is very much like the late Berry, her sister.. it's just that her size is slightly bigger than Berry.. and her face a little different.. but both are my DARLINGS.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
How Could It Be?
And this person could provide solutions to affected parties, be it the wife, the mistress or the girlfriend?
Maybe she should write a book on this... *grin*
Alas, maybe that's why she's not married until now... *wink*
hahahahahah what a thought on Sunday afternoon...
Friday, January 05, 2007
Public Nuisance
I feel like they were making fun of me or trying to play something on me.. for what reasons only God knows... so I quickly drove and made the U-turn.. and slowed down my car so that those idiots would overtake.. also to see whether they are indeed following me.. yeah they refused to overtake, alright, still laughing and looking at me..apparently they were high probably on drugs.. I was so irritated that I mouthed something to them.. suddenly they drove unsteadily to my side and then.. I heard a loud noise.. those idiots were pushing my side mirror so that it was folded towards the car.. and then they rode off..d*mn idiots..
LUCKY I DIDN'T HAVE MY BASEBALL BAT WITH ME... otherwise I'd speed my car, chase 'em and SMASH their side mirror with my bat. Oh, yes I DARE to do that, I AM CAPABLE to do that and speed away just like them. Only that they cannot catch me. It's easy you see, my car is a 4wd... can do it with one hand while driving... But apa nak buat, my baseball bat was at home, took it out when I was alone at home last time.. otherwise.. huh.. habis la..
Oh, but I did hope that they will, you know, get so high that they fell into a drain.. or they hit a tree.. u know.. anything that can damage themselves seriously and do no harm to others. And suffer for days..
I hate those kind of person.. kononnya nak show off pada girlfriend.. HAH! stupid... obviously they were high.. menyusahkan orang.. mega public nuisance.. irritating some more.. lepas tu nak tunjuk handal..what, you think I'm gonna pity you.. that maybe you have some problems and you take drugs and that's why I should be tolerant and patient with you? Dream on, man.. first I'd hit you because you aggravated me, you started it.. second.. because you take drugs and endangering people's lives by DRIVING.. and as a personal note.. well.. kalau dah tahu ada problems, siapa suruh buat kerja b*d*h yang menambahkan lagi problems tu?
My, my what an evening...
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Danga Bay Service Residence
can view this at www.dangabay.com
thing is, it is a service residence.. means ada housekeeping and laundry.. i wonder if I could opt for not getting the services.. because I don't really need it.. one, I always have time to attend to my personal matters namely housekeeping and laundry. two, I do not like the idea of having strangers entering my house even to clean, esp when I am not around.
plus points : very near to Danga Festive Street Mall hehehe.. near to my parents', to city centre, and en route to the highway to KL. Senang kerja.
: facilities (as per Danga Bay Official Site)
- executive style swimming pool deck
- fitness centre
- children's playground
- entertainment lounge
- library
- landscape garden/BBQ area
- fine dining restaurant
- resident's lub lounge
- meeting/party room
I Love The Facilities.. fits me perfectly.
entahlah but heard so many things people talk about.. not really recommmmended lah and all..
but to me it's just fine.. also the new shops or malls are under construction.. add more color to the scene!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Cheese is my adopted kitten at Larkin Perdana.. I adopted cheese because this one day I went to get Royal Canin for butter, and I saw this one kitten who looked very much like Butter.. i panik sekejap.. I went like bila pula dia panjat kereta dan ikut, since I have placed her jauh-jauh from mycar before I went out.. but a close look revealed that the face was slightly diff, the color was almost exactly, so was the size.. yang sedihnya, cheese was walking around, looking into the tong sampah for food... in my heart I was saying.. bagaimana if it's Butter doing this.. sedihnya.. and I decided to adopt her right away...
brief conference with my brother concluded that for housecats, they should be named beginning with the letter B, and for adopted cat, the letter C. Tak mahu sama nanti susah nak keep track.
So, since we have Butter.. Buttercup, that is.. her look-alike is named Cheese.. Butter and Cheese hahaha...
It's been two weeks since I last visited Cheese at Larkin.. didn't bring her back, not sure how cats at home would react to her.. my second visit, Cheese dah kenal I.. first visit she was still distant and takut-takut.. can understand that.. fear of the unknown.. second time dia dah kenal and mau datang dekat-dekat..
I figure I want to go visit Cheese one of these days, bawa makanan lagi... for a stray cat, Cheese is very clean.. mungkin ada orang-orang kedai yang jaga dia agaknya...
Losing Weight
Very soon gonna start to brisk-walk again... no, not a new year reso.. a long due goal, put it that way..