Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Special Dedication

April 6, 2006

Today is a very special day to me. For it is the birthday of my sisters, Lin and Mas.
Twins? No. Lin was born on April 6, 1982 while Mas on April 6, 1986.
They do not even look alike but many people described them as twins, because sometimes they act like one. They are so close, and kalau ada rahsia or anything, always berbisik bisik sesama sendiri.
They always follow my parents to weddings, that is, if Mas is around. She is still studying at UTM.
If my Mom went for holidays, she always bought something for us. And for the girls, my Mom selalunya akan beli something equally nice, but not exactly alike for them. Maybe some batik silk in different colors but similar motives or patterns. Or bracelets or necklaces. Mas prefers darker colors, like deep blue or black, which my Mom can never understand. Mom always complained, kenapa muda muda suka warna warna gelap? My Mom herself loves to dress up, and she herself likes bright, cheerful tones. Lin is more like her in taste and color. Major dislike : Ayam.
I would say Lin has great taste in clothes and fashion. She is sweet natured too. Ramai kawan dan ramai admirers, and she always treat them nicely. Very understanding and kind-hearted too. Has a rabbit soft-toy which she always hug when she is sleeping. She named the rabbit "Rabbit Anastasia Nemo Jazeera". Selalu buat puppet shows using the rabbit and she's quite good at it. Siap ada special voice for that rabbit. Since she love kids, I always encouraged her to create her version of stories about her rabbit. Kids love her too. She loves to read, and always read my books. She just finished her American Degree, a twinning programme with Excelsior College, New York. She graduated with good results, and her favourite subjects were Psychology, Sociology and History.
Mas? An entirely different story. She loves reading too, but her choice of books are rather pelik. Last time she was reading about Hitler, Biscmark, Mussolini and Stalin. Serious reading, though. I found a very thick book on Hitler on her bed. She even got a giftwrapper with Hitler's face printed on it. Nak jadi apa pun tak taulah. Oh, and she collects many giftwrappers too. She also likes to watch and read about the X-Files. Spent a lot to get X-Files, Scrubs and CSI DVDs. Have great sense of humour when the mood is there, but most of the time she is always blur. Her nickname in college is Blurry. Initially she wanted to major in Forensic and Pathology. My Dad was kind of hoping that she would do Medicine. Then she has this interest on Biotechnology. And now she is doing Civil Engineering. Used to like F1 so much but no longer since Mika Hakkinen retired. That left her brokenhearted with F1. Major dislike : Mancis.
To my darling sisters, Happy Birthday to both of you. May Allah bless you and grant you happiness all the time. May all your wishes come true. I will always be there for you. You are so wonderful and special. I love you both.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank u greatly,dear lurvly princess...heard a lot bout u from muh sis..really hope 2 meet u someday..
